Room: 40326
Office hours: Tuesdays, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. or by individual appointment
Co-editor of the book series 'Routledge Research on New Waves in Pragmatics' and 'English and Beyond'
Research interests
- Intercultural Pragmatics, both synchronic and diachronic; pragmatic aspects of quoting and referring
- Sociolinguistics: registers, phenomena of youth language, formulaic language, and linguistic creativity; genre-specific discourse, print- and computer-mediated media
- Formulaic speech and humorous formulaic speech patterns
- Teaching English as a second or foreign language (TESOL)
- administration of corpus licenses
since Oct 2024: Full Professor (Universitätsprofessorin) of English Linguistics, Department of English, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck, Austria
Feb 2024 – Sept 2024: Associate Professor of English Linguistics, Department of English, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck, Austria
12 Dec 2023: Awarded the venia docendi in ‘English Linguistics’, University of Innsbruck, Austria; Title of assessed habilitational thesis: Formulaic Humor and Humorous Conversational Routines in fictional telecinematic discourse. A corpus-assisted study conjoining Phraseology, Pragmatics and Humor Studies
Associate Professor of English Linguistics, Department of English, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck, Austria
October 2023 - February 2024: Guest Professor (Vertretungsprofessur) of English Linguistics, Anglistisches Seminar, Heidelberg University, Germany; cf.
October 2023: Awarded the venia ‘English Linguistics’ by the Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture at the University of Innsbruck
March 2023: Submission of habilitational monograph (University of Innsbruck): Formulaic Humor and Humorous Conversational Routines in fictional telecinematic discourse - A corpus-assisted study conjoining Phraseology, Pragmatics and Humor Studies
Jan 2015 – Dec 2017: Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Educational Theory and Practice, School of Education, State University of New York at Albany (SUNY), USA.
2013 Defense / 2015 Publication of PhD thesis (Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany): Heathens, pagans, misbelievers. A lexico-semantic field study and its historio-pragmatic reflections in texts from the English Middle Ages . [Britannica et Americana 31]. Heidelberg: Winter.
2008: Master’s Degree (Magistra Artium) in English Linguistics, English Literature and Medieval Latin. (Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany).
Selected Publications
1) Kirner-Ludwig, Monika. 2022. Research methods for the analysis of intercultural interactions. In: István Kecskés (ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Pragmatics (CHIP). Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press. 361–394.1)
2) Sauer, Hans & Monika Kirner-Ludwig. 2021. Evolution of English. Studying the past, understanding the present. Munich: Stauffenburg.
3) Kirner-Ludwig, Monika & Rana Alsaedi. 2021. A pragmatics-based appeal to saving face so as to save lives: On intercultural pragmatic awareness (or rather: lack thereof) in a handbook for US soldiers deployed for Iraq. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research. DOI:
4) Kirner-Ludwig, Monika. 2020. Adapting scripture to transcript: A cognitive-pragmatic approach to cinematic strategies of evoking obsolete frames. In: Telecinematic Stylistics. Christian Hoffmann and Monika Kirner-Ludwig, eds. London et al.: Bloomsbury.
5) Kirner-Ludwig, Monika. 2019. Creation, dissemination and uptake of fake-quotes in lay political discourse on Facebook and Twitter. Special issue of the Journal of Pragmatics. Eds. Anita Fetzer & Daniel