Christine Elsweiler

PD Dr.
Room: 40331
Office hours: Wednesday, 10:00 - 11:00
Research and teaching interests
Cross-cultural, historical and variational pragmatics
Gender and language
Historical correspondence
Historical sociolinguistics
Modal auxiliaries and modality
Scots and Scottish English
Standardisation in the history of English
2020 Habilitation: “From Shared Meaning to Divergent Pragmatics: A Comparative Study of the Modal Auxiliaries May, Can, Shall and Will in Scottish and English Letters (1500–1700)”, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
2011 Zweite Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt an Gymnasien in der Fächerverbindung Englisch und Französisch
2009 Promotion (Dr. Phil.): “Laʒamon's Brut between Old English Heroic Poetry and Middle English Romance – a Study of the Lexical Fields ‘Hero’, ‘Warrior’ and ‘Army’”, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
2004 Erste Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt an Gymnasien in der Fächerverbindung Englisch und Französisch, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Selected Publications
1) Thaler, Marion and Christine Elsweiler. 2023. “The Role of Gender in the Realisation of Apologies in Local Council Meetings: A Variational Pragmatic Approach in British and New Zealand English”. Special Issue on Gender and Language. Ed. by Anna Islentyeva and Anatol Stefanowitsch. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 71(3): 217–239.
2) Elsweiler, Christine. 2023. “Modal May in Requests: A Comparison of Regional Pragmatic Variation in Early Modern Scottish and English Correspondence”. Journal of Historical Pragmatics. Online First. 1–37.
3) Elsweiler, Christine. 2023. “Intra-writer Variation in the Requestive Behaviour of two Early Modern Scottish Letter-writers”. In: Markus Schiegg and Judith Huber (eds.). Intra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics. Bern: Peter Lang. 184–203.
4) Elsweiler, Christine and Patricia Ronan. 2023. “From I am, with Sincere Regard, Your Most Obedient Servant to Yours Sincerely: The Simplification of Leavetaking Formulae in 18th-Century Scottish and Irish English Letters”. ICAME Journal 47.1: 1–17.
5) Elsweiler, Christine. 2022. “Gender Variation in the Requestive Behaviour of Early Modern Scottish and English Letter Writers? A Study of Private Correspondence”. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 8.1: 55–88.