Our team offers multiple courses in the Bachelor-, Master-, Diploma and Ph.D. programs. You can find a list of all of our courses if you follow the Link to the LFU-Online. Everything else you will need for the course can be found on OLAT.
New Master Program Marketing & Branding
We are happy to announce that there is a new master’s program called “Marketing & Branding”. The new, internationally oriented program allows completion within two years and consists of a large variety of interesting modules and a master thesis (120 ECTS). Graduates develop and apply in-depth knowledge and a broad set of analytic and problem-solving skills in the context of marketing and brand management. Moreover, students can choose from an array of new and exciting courses, such as Product & Service Design, Customer Experience Management, or Digital Marketing.
More information can be found here.
Overview of lectures and courses


Bachelor Theses
The Service Management team (Prof. Dr. Nicola Stokburger-Sauer) and the KMU/Tourism team (Prof. Dr. Mike Peters) always offer the Bachelor's thesis course on a rotating basis in the winter semester. In the summer semester, both teams each offer a Bachelor's thesis course. Further information can be found on OLAT.
The following topics were offered in the past semesters:
- Diversity in the Service Encounter
- Risk perception in adventure tourism
- Online shopping & excessive shipping packages
- Videos as an effective marketing tool
- Omnichannel experience design in services
- Consumer experiences along the customer journey
- Success factors of online advertising and cognitive load
- Success factors of banner display ads
- Success factors of social media advertising
- Curated shopping
- Shopping behavior and personal online style advice in times of COVID-19
- The relevance of (emotional) consultant competence
- Hi, how can I help you? The importance of the product category when searching for information and advice
Master Theses
This section provides you with some information on the Master Thesis topics that are covered by our team. We are looking forward to potentially supervising your Master Thesis! If you have any questions, please see more information on OLAT or feel free to contact us!
Following master thesis topics were available in past terms:
- Product Design, Consumer Emotions and Behavior in Product‐User Interaction
- Ethnic Biases in Service Encounters
- Teams, Zoom, Skype & Co. as Advice Channels?
- Excessiveness at the Doorstep!
- The Phenomenon of Excessiveness in an Environmental Conscious Society
- Advertising Effectiveness: Examining Different Drivers in Social Media and Display Ads
- The Sharing Economy and Sharing: Are Social Benefits Relevant at all?
- Omnichannel Experience in Services – A Supply Side View
- Gestalt Characteristics of Customer Experience in the Service Industry
- Do Effective Customer Journeys Pay Off? Touchpoint Design and Experience Management in the Service Industry
- How do Social Viewing Strategies Impact Consumer Behavior?
Diploma Theses
Procedure for applications:
- Application period until September 25
- Information about the application outcome: October 1 (via mail)
More information