
From left to right: Martin Senn, Lore Hayek, Sarah C. Dingler. (Credit: Thomas Walli)


Project Team

DINGLER Sarah 2020

Sarah C. Dingler is Assistant Professor (tenure track) for empirical gender research at the University of Innsbruck. Previously, she was a post-doctoral researcher at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institut at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. She received her Ph.D from the University of Salzburg. Her main areas of research include the analysis of political institutions on women's representation and the role of women as political actors in legislatures and the executive. Her work has appeared e.g. in Journal of European Public Policy, Electoral Studies and Journal of Elections, Public Opinions and Parties.

Together with Corinna Kroeber she is editor of the blog Counting Counts. It aims to offer accessible academic commentary and research on various topics related electoral systems and representation of women.

More information about Sarah C. DINGLER


phone: +43 512 507-70115
fax: +43 512 507-70199

room: w 2.38
consultation hours: Thursday 9:00 am - 10:00 am (registration by e-mail)

HAYEK Lore 2021 neu
Credit: Axel Springer

Lore Hayek is an Assistant Professor of Austrian Politics and Civic Education.

She holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Innsbruck and an MSc in Social Research Methods from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She completed her dissertation as a part of AUTNES – Austrian National Election Study, on election posters as a campaign medium in Austrian election campaigns.

Lore’s research focuses on electoral campaigning and political advertising as well as political media coverage, applying quantitative methods such as content analyses.

More information about Lore HAYEK

phone: +43 512 507-70137
fax: +43 512 507-70199

room: w 2.40
consultation hours: Tuesday 11:00 - 12:00 am

KRAXBERGER Andreas 2021

 Andreas M. Kraxberger is a MA student and research assistant at the Department of Political Science. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Innsbruck as well as a technical diploma in Mechatronics from the Linzer Technikum.

The focus of his research is political communication and data analysis. In his BA Thesis, he examined the informational content of various U.S. Late Night Shows. Together with Dr. Lore Hayek and Manuel Mayrl, he is currently working on a project concerning the role of print media support for political actors and their electoral success. He further contributed to an anthology on international systems of order under the supervision of Dr. Martin Senn, discussing the conceptualization and existing implementations of a world government.

More information about Andreas KRAXBERGER:

phone: +43 512 507 70125
fax: +43 512 507-70199

room: w 2.24

Nada Ragheb is a B.A. student, majoring in Political Science at the University of Innsbruck. Her research emphasizes political communication primarily, but occasionally it deals with global governance challenges, crisis responses of governments (i.e. the response to and negotiations on the Euro crisis), as well as challenges to the systems of representative democracies more generally. For her forthcoming Bachelor thesis, she’s analysing the Hearings held by the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission using both a qualitative content analysis and quantitative text analysis. The aim is to identify differences in rhetoric between victims and appointed officials of the Commission to fill the empirical gap in the research on matters of Transitional Justice.

More information about Nada RAGHEB

fax: +43 512 507-70199

room: w 2.24

SCHWADERER Christian 2021

Christian Schwaderer ist Doktorand im Bereich Politische Kommunikation und Medien an der Universität Innsbruck.

Er absolvierte das Bachelorprogramm Politikwissenschaft sowie das Masterstudium Politikwissenschaft: Europäische und internationale Politik an der Universität Innsbruck, das er im Juli 2021 abschloss. Während seines Studiums war er in verschiedenen Projekten als studentischer Mitarbeiter tätig.

In seiner Dissertation forscht er zu staatlichem Kommunikationsverhalten während der Covid-19 Pandemie.

More information about Christian SCHWADERER:

phone: +43 512 507-70129
fax: +43 512 507-70199

room: w 2.24
consultation hours: as arranged by e-mail

SENN Martin
Dr. Martin Senn is associate professor of international relations at the University of Innsbruck and guest lecturer at the Diplomatic Academcy of Vienna. In his research and teaching he focuses on the emergence and change of order(s) in world politics, (international) political communication as well as on nuclear (non)proliferation and disarmament. His recent publications include a special issue the societal relevance of political science in the Austrian Journal of Political Science, a special issue on ‘The Transformation of Targeted Killing and International Order’ (together with Jodok Troy) in Contemporary Security Policy and a special section on ‘Background Ideas in International Relations’ (together with Markus Kornprobst) in the British Journal of Politics and International Relations.

More information about Martin SENN:


phone: +43 512 507-70124
fax: +43 512 507-70199

room: w 2.39
consultation hours: as arranged by e-mail






Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) 

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