The Fakultätslehrepreise - faculty teaching awards - offer the opportunity to recognise excellent teaching within the individual faculties and to make teaching expertise visible. The teaching awards at the faculties can basically fulfil two functions:
Firstly, with a focus on individual courses and corresponding content, they can be used as a preliminary stage for the university-wide Lehreplus! Prize and subsequently the Ars Docendi State Prize.
Secondly, with a complementary concept, they can also offer a low-threshold and important addition to the more formalised awards, which go beyond individual courses and recognise more specific topics and approaches.
Purpose and objective of the Fakultätslehrepreise
- Recognition and visualisation of outstanding teaching activities
- Motivating teachers to continuously develop their teaching methods
- Promoting the quality of teaching and the exchange of good teaching practice
- Courses taught by the award winners can subsequently be recognised for the Lehreplus! and Ars Docendi! awards.
Award mode
- Ideally awarded every two years, alternating with the Lehreplus! Prize
- Focus on individual courses, but also consideration of overall commitment to teaching
- Opportunities for self-nominations and nominations by others
Nomination process
- Clear and transparent criteria for submission and evaluation
- Documentation of teaching innovations and successes
- Enabling committee nominations, peer nominations or nominations by students
- Symbolic recognition with a focus on career development instead of high cash prizes
- Faculty prizes as a potential precursor to the university-wide Lehreplus! Prize and the Ars Docendi State Prize
Communication and celebrations
- Public announcement and honouring of award winners to strengthen the teaching community
- Visualisation of good teaching using digital media such as the homepage, intranet and social media
- Involving the award winners in workshops or seminars on teaching quality
- Public Relations Office
Suggested topics
- Teaching of interdisciplinary competences ("non-subject-related skills" or "future skills")
- Research-orientated teaching, development of research skills, insights into the scientific community
- Feedback culture in the course
- Promoting interaction between lecturers and students
- Inclusion and gender/diversity-sensitive didactic concepts
- Good practice examples in digitalisation, teaching in general or, for example, in dealing with ChatGPT
- High-quality testing and assessment
Selection criteria
- Degree of innovation and creativity of teaching methods
- Effectiveness and measurable impact on student learning outcomes
- Contribution to reducing the discrepancy between digital and traditional teaching
Questions to be considered in the design
- Who should be involved in the selection process in order to form a faculty-internal jury or a committee for awarding the prizes?
- What specific requirements should be placed on the documentation of teaching performance?
- To what extent and in what way should students be involved in the application and evaluation process?
- Should winners of the faculty prizes for the Lehreplus! Prize and the Ars Docendi State Prize?
- What measures and strategies should be taken to ensure the objectivity and fairness of the evaluation process and avoid the perception of the awards as mere popularity prizes?
Office for Quality Management in Teaching