January 21, 2025
Defensio of Jan's Master thesis
We congratulate Jan on the successful defense of his Master’s thesis titled 'Secondary electron emission statistics upon highly charged helium nanodroplets colliding with metal surfaces'. Even though he faced several challenges during his Master thesis project, he managed to obtain very interesting results. Even more, we are very happy that Jan will be continuing with his PhD in our group.

January 09, 2025
Paul's Birthday
Happy Birthday, Paul! Thank you for being such a great group leader and supplying us with delicious cakes!

December 17, 2024
Stefan's Goodbye Party
At the end of the year, Stefan is leaving the group and to say goodbye, we had pizza, beer and cake together. Stefan, we will miss your incredible technical skills, your good mood and your delicious cakes! We wish you all the best for your future and we hope that this won't be the last time we come together to enjoy great food, drinks, and conversations.

November 26, 2024
Milestone Birthday of Masoomeh!
Celebrating Masoomeh's milestone birthday together: We hope you had a wonderful day and thank you for the delicious cakes!

October 25, 2024
Törggelen 2024
As every year, the current and past members of the Scheier group got together at Müssigang's farm in Mühlau for Törggelen. As always, it was a pleasure to eat, drink and chat together!

September 25-28, 2024
Labastro Meeting
Lisa and Elisabeth joined the Labastro Meeting which took place in the gorgeous 'Ringberg castle', a castle with an amazing view over lake Tegernsee. As the name indicates, the Labastro Meeting addresses challenges in laboratory astrophysics. In her invited talk, Elisabeth showed the new results on the spectroscopy of C60+ analogues with our helium-tagging messenger spectroscopy setups TOFFY2 and CLUSTOF. Lisa presented a poster about our recent discovery that we could form doubly and triply charged C60 dimers in TOFFY2 (see publication), for which she even received the best poster award!

September 26-27, 2024
Last week, Johannes and Paul participated in the CATCOSY Meeting in Madrid, which focused on metal clusters and their role in catalysis. Paul gave a presentation on the properties and applications of charged HNDs, while Johannes showed his findings from the spectroscopic investigation of gold clusters. The event sparked many new ideas, thanks to the insightful talks and engaging discussions with other participants.

Paul (in the middle) and Johannes (right) with colleagues from Madrid
August 30, 2024
FFG internships
During the summer school break, two high school students, Lilli and Florian, participated for four weeks in an FFG internship funded by the ‘Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft’. The goal of the internship was to provide students interested in research with the opportunity to gain insight and hands-on experience in the field. During their time with us, Lilli and Florian worked with us at various lab experiments, designed components using SolidWorks, ran simulations with Simion, and much more. We hope they gained valuable knowledge and that this experience will help guide their future career choices. Thank you, Lilli and Florian, for joining us!
August 29, 2024
Publication: The role of Na decoration on the hydrogen adsorption on coronene
Recently, a paper from our group about the role of Na decoration on the hydrogen adsorption on coronene was published in the prestigious journal International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Impact factor 8.1). Congratulations to everyone who contributed!
The role of Na decoration on the hydrogen adsorption on coronene: a combined experimental and computational study by E. García-Arroyo, A.M. Reider, S. Kollotzek, F. Foitzik, J. Campos-Martínez, M. Bartolomei, F. Piranic, M.I. Hernández, M. Mella, and P. Scheier
Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 83, 387-395 (2024)
August 23, 2024
Group hike to Nockspitze
...rewarding us with amazing views of Innsbruck and the surrounding landscape.

August 20 and 21, 2024
Master's thesis defense of Johannes Reichegger and Thomas Pohl
Recently, two Master students in our group defended their thesis, Johannes and Thomas! You did an amazing job on your Master theses: Johannes spectroscopically studied the reactivitiy of small gold clusters and Thomas built up a setup for the deposition of nanoparticles. We are very happy that both are staying in the group to do their PhD!

August 08, 2024
Publication: Formation of Doubly and Triply Charged Fullerene Dimers in Superfluid Helium Nanodroplets
Recently, the paper ‘Formation of Doubly and Triply Charged Fullerene Dimers in Superfluid Helium Nanodroplets’ from TOFFY2 was published in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters (Impact factor 8.1). The publication was also highlighted in the Newsroom of the University!
Formation of Doubly and Triply Charged Fullerene Dimers in Superfluid Helium Nanodroplets by Lisa Ganner, Stefan Bergmeister, Lucas Lorenz, Milan Ončák, Paul Scheier, and Elisabeth Gruber
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 023001 (2024)
July 22, 2024
Master's thesis defense of Florian Foitzik
Florian defended his Master's thesis about 'helium solvation of multiply charged monoatomic ions' with a great talk and a flawless examination. During his Master's research, Florian also managed to design a new high-temperature oven, which even enabled to evaporate lanthanum. Many attempts to evaporate lanthanum have been made in the past, but Florian was the first one in the group who succeded, of which he can be very proud. We are very happy that he is staying in the group as a PhD student!
July 19, 2024
Saying Goodbye to Olga
Yesterday, we had to say goodbye to Olga, who is going to Japan (Fukuoka) for a PostDoc position. During her time in the group, Olga was hard-working and managed to publish numerous papers. Besides, she was always spreading her inspirational motivation to the other group members and her infectious good mood lit up the whole team, creating a joyful atmosphere. Olga was also the one who initiated this news section and took great care of the whole homepage. It was a pleasure to work with you, Olga! We wish you all the best and hope to see you again soon!