Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences
News and Events
Prizes of the Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences
Prizes will be awarded in two categories for the 2023/24 academic year:
- Best assessed dissertation
- Best assessed master's thesis
A total of € 2,400 will be awarded for the best dissertation and € 1,200 for the best Master's thesis. In each category, the prize can be divided among a maximum of three theses.
Prizes are awarded for current and outstanding theses in the doctoral and Master's degree programmes offered at the Faculty.
All graduates of the relevant doctoral or Master's degree programmes at the University of Innsbruck in the academic year 2023/24 are eligible to apply.
Prerequisites and further information you will find here >>
Alumni Homecoming Days
This year the Alumni Homecoming Days will take place
on 18 and 19 October 2024.
A broad programme has been put together and registration is requested at alumni@uibk.ac.at.
Award of an honorary doctorate
of the University of Innsbruck to
Regents and Distinguished McKnight University Professor Dr R. Lawrence Edwards
on Friday, 18 October 2024, from 10 a.m. (Aula, University Main Building).
From 2:30 p.m. Prof Edwards will give the lecture "Abrupt Climate Change, a View from Underground".
Prof Edwards is a geoscientist who has shaped and promoted an entire generation of researchers working on the dynamics of the Earth system, climate and the ocean.
Edwards has long-standing collaborative relationships with staff at the Institute of Geology, including research in his world-leading laboratory, as well as co-supervision of PhD theses. In recent years, an age determination laboratory including a clean room has been set up at the Institute of Geology, the first of its kind in Austria. Edwards' expertise has played a key role in this.
Hearings for the position of "University Professor of Human Geography"
The hearings will take place from 2-4 October 2024 in the Bruno-Sander-Haus, 7th floor.
Please find here the list of the public lectures >>
Job Announcement
The University of Innsbruck invites applications for the position of
University Professor of Dynamic Meteorology
at the Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences at the Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences. It is a position in accordance with § 98 of the Austrian Universities’ Act (Universitätsgesetz - UG) and will be based on a civil-law employment contract with the University on the basis of the Salaried Employees Act (Angestelltengesetz). It is comparable to a full professorship in the USA. The contract will be concluded for an unlimited period. The level of employment is full-time and the position is fully funded by the University.
Find more information >>
(17 July - 16 September 2024)
We introduce ourselves
- Significant decline of CO2 emissions in Innsbruck
Air monitoring measurements at the University of Innsbruck's atmospheric observatory show that carbon dioxide emissions in western Austria have fallen by around 20 percent since 2018. Emissions are therefore well below the levels predicted by various models. Observational data is becoming increasingly important for assessing greenhouse gas budgets.
16.01.2024 - From Glaciers to Rainfall: Ten Years in the Andes
Scientists at the University of Innsbruck have been studying the water cycle and glaciers in the Andes near Huaraz in northern Peru for a long time. They recently documented a previously unreported rainfall phenomenon. These light rainfalls, known locally as "Pushpa", mark the beginning of the sowing season. Their unpredictability from one year to the next complicates matters for farmers, a situation potentially worsened by climate change.
15.11.2023 - Ice cliffs as an early warning system for the climate
It is rare to find glaciers bounded on land by vertical ice cliffs. These ice cliffs respond with particular sensitivity to environmental changes. Research teams from Tyrol and Styria are investigating ice formations at a site in the far north of Greenland. The researchers intend to draw conclusions about the development of the Arctic climate based on the changes in the glacier walls.
Contact us
Dean's Office
Innrain 52f
6020 Innsbruck, Austria