NAWA Chair Meeting - University of Wrocław (Wrocław, PL)

On 4th of July, 2022 a meeting of the NAWA Chair project „From the Achaemenids to the Romans: Contextualizing empire and its longue-durée developments“, led by Prof. Robert Rollinger and Prof. Krzystof Nawotka, was held at University of Wrocław (Uniwersytet Wrocławski). At this event, two members of the Doctorate College Entangled Antiquities were able to present their progress in their PhD Thesis (titles below).

The NAWA Chair is a programme by NAWA (Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiey/National Academic Exchange Agency) which allows guest professors from abroad to conduct projects at Polish Universities

  • Steiner Alexander: Spatial Perception in Antiquity. Middle Iranian Terms for Cardinal Directions and their Background
  • Steinwender Clemens: At the Boundary of Empires. Arabia as an imperial Borderland to the Sasanians
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