

The government of the province of Vorarlberg (Department for Science, Research and Life-Long Learning) has been financially supporting research on multilingualism at DYME through an annual grant since May of 2010. This grant supports student researchers from Vorarlberg, research conducted in Vorarlberg or research with a focus on Vorarlberg.

Regional und national cooperations

Municipality of Nenzing, Vorarlberg

Project „Sprachfreude – Nenzing spricht mehr“ (Pleasure in language - Nenzing speaks more)

Evaluation of the project about multilingual promotion in Kindergartens in the municipality of Nenzing, Vorarlberg. 


Economic Chamber Vorarlberg

DYME-SEM: Evaluation of the project about multilingual promotion in Kindergartens in the municipality of Nenzing, Vorarlberg


Province of Tyrol

Innsbruck ist MEHR!sprachig (Innsbruck is MULTI!lingual)

Zentrum für Sprache, Plurilingualismus und Fachdidaktik (Centre for Language, Plurilingualism and Didactics)                            Karl-Franzens University Graz
Ulrike Jessner-Schmid is a member of the scientific advisory board

ECML - European Centre for Modern Languages in Austria

Official partner of the IAM (International Association of Multilingualism, President Ulrike Jessner-Schmid)

ÖSZ - Österreichisches Sprachenkompetenzzentrum (Austrian centre for language competence)

BMUKK: Sprachrechtliche Abteilung (The Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture)

Education Board of Tyrol

Teacher training college Tyrol

Education Board of Vorarlberg

Teacher training college, Feldkirch

University of applied sciences Vorarlberg, Dornbirn

City of Innsbruck

German/Italian/Ladin education authority Bolzano

Okay: zusammenleben - Projektstelle für Zuwanderung und Integration Vorarlberg (Okay: living together - project office of immigration and integration Vorarlberg)

Partner projects

PlurCur - Plurilingual whole school curricula

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