Doctoral Programme Biointeractions from basics to application (BioApp)

The doctoral college Biointeractions - from basics to application (BioApp) aims to contribute to the understanding of interactions between different prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, with plants and animals, as well as with their abiotic environment (from the species to the domain level). These interactions are still largely unexplored, although they are extremely relevant for natural ecosystems, and also significantly influence biotechnological processes, from wastewater treatment, biogas production and biological remediation of contaminated sites to agrobiotechnology.

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BioApp Blog

Explore your scientific identity

This summer semester, we had a different kind of lecture for the BioAPP DK students: instead of focussing on scientific discussions or on pitfalls of data analysis strategies, we put together a small webinar about career choices, and the difficulties (life) scientists have to face.

CRISPR-Cas9: The ultimate tool for all biological problems or biggest threat to future life?

Since the discovery of the newest gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 in 2012 experts and everyone interested are discussing whether this tool will end all biology related issues or cause more problems than it solves. With all the possibilities comes the fear that using CRISPR-Cas9 extensively across disciplines might lead to even bigger biological and ethical problems.


Die Mikroorganismen, das Klima und Heribert Insam

Heribert Insam gibt zum Uni-Karriere-Ende im Treibhaus Gas: unter tosendem Applaus trat er Mitte Jänner für seine „Abschiedsvorlesung“ auf die Bühne. Nach über drei Jahrzehnten leidenschaftlicher Lehre und Forschung, stellte Heribert Insam an diesem Abend seine große Leidenschaft – die Mikroorganismen und deren elementare Rolle in unserer Welt und im Klimawandel – in den Mittelpunkt.

Stadt Inns­bruck zeich­net wis­sen­schaft­li­chen Nach­wuchs aus

Fünf Preisträger:innen nahmen am 20. November den mit insgesamt 20.000 Euro dotierten Preis der Landeshauptstadt Innsbruck für wissenschaftliche Forschung entgegen. Die Verleihung erfolgte durch Vizerektor Gregor Weihs und Stadträtin Christine Oppitz-Plörer im historischen Bürgersaal.

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