Viktoria Thöni Ph.D.

Institut für Zoologie
Universität Innsbruck
Technikerstr. 25
6020 Innsbruck
Room: 6/13
Phone: +43 512 507-51881
Current research
I am working on the impact of low- frequency magnetic fields on mammalian cells. The focus is set on the circadian rhythm and its intimate interaction with the hypoxic signaling pathway, as well as on the examination of the underlying quantum biological mechanisms.
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2016-2019 | master program, University of Innsbruck (Master of science in Molecular cell and developmental biology) |
2018-2019 | Research assistant in the research group: circadian rhythms at the Institute of Zoology |
2020-2021 | Laboratory group leader in laboratory diagnostics, Sinsoma GmbH |
2019-2024 | PhD program: Doctor of Philosophy, Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck |
Current | Postdoc position |
- Thöni, Viktorie; Dimova, Elitsa; Kietzmann, Thomas; Usselman, Robert; Egg, Margit (2024): Therapeutic nuclear magnetic resonance and intermittent hypoxia trigger time dependent on/off effects in circadian clocks and confirm a central role of superoxide in cellular magnetic field effects. In: Redox Biology 72, No. 103152.
- Thöni, V.; Mauracher, D.; Ramalingam, A.; Fiechtner, B.; Sandbichler, A.M.; Egg, M. (2022): Quantum based effects of therapeutic nuclear magnetic resonance persistently reduce glycolysis. In: iScience 25/12, Nr. 105536. (DOI) (Weblink)
- Thöni, V.; Oliva, R.; Mauracher, D.; Egg, M. (2021): Therapeutic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance affects the core clock mechanism and associated Hypoxia-inducible factor-1. In: Chronobiology International 38/8, S. 1120 - 1134. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)
- Thöni, V.: Proton resonances affect the circadian clock and hypoxic signalling. Big Quantum Bio Meeting, 20.04.2023 (Online).
- Thöni, V.: Water proton resonances reset the circadian clock in mammalian cells. Life Science PhD Meeting Innsbruck 2023, Innsbruck, 13.04.2023.
Media articles
Report in TV / Video platform
- Egg, M.; Mauracher, D.; Thöni, V.: Campus: Magazin für Forschung und Entwicklung "Die Effekte von tNMR im biologischen System". In: Rai Südtirol / Rai Alto Adige vom 21.10.2022. (Weblink)
Poster presentation
- Vortragende/r: Thöni, V. Co-AutorInnen: Dimova, E.Y.; Kietzman, T.; Sandbichler, A.M.; Egg, M.: Water proton resonances reset the circadian clock in mammalian cells. GRC Quantum Biology Gordon Research Conference, Galveston (Texas), 20.03.2023.
- Vortragende/r: Mauracher, David Co-AutorInnen: Thöni, V.; Fiechtner, B.; Egg, M.: tNMR affects the circadian clock of somatic cells under normoxia and hypoxia. XVII European Biological Rhythms Society (EBRS 2022), Zürich, 28.07.2022. (Weblink)
- Vortragende/r: Thöni, Viktoria Co-AutorInnen: Mauracher, D.; Sandbichler, A.M.; Egg, M.: Therapeutic Nuclear magnetic resonance redirects the metabolism of NIH-3T3 cells. XVII European Biological Rhythms Society (EBRS 2022), Zürich, 25.07.2022. (Weblink)
- Research Award of the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce 2024