Marion Lechable
Department of Zoology
NATWI-Gebäude, Etage: 07, Zimmer: 7/19
Technikerstraße 25, A-6020 Innsbruck
+43 512 507 51859
Current Research
I am studying the hydrozoan freshwater polyp Hydra, which is part of Cnidarians as a sister-group of Bilateria. Hydra is a powerful model in biology for axial patterning, regeneration studies and stem cell biology, and allows us to understand ancestral mechanisms diverged from early metazoans. This polyp reproduces asexually and has a strong regeneration ability thanks to a hydrozoan-specific multipotent stem cell population, called the interstitial stem cells. Dynamic of this stem cell population is very constant in terms of cell proliferation, movement and proportions of cell type during asexual reproduction. Stem cell decision-making in this simple model raise an interest to understand the underlying genetic regulation system. Two core regulators of stem cells are the Wnt/ β-Catenin signalling pathway and the Myc oncogene, which are both highly conserved through evolution. My PhD project aim to decipher these regulation mechanisms at cellular and molecular level in Hydra.

Schematic of the known molecular regulators of self-renewal and differentiation in the Hydra interstitial cell lineage. Positive and negative regulators are depicted in green and red, respectively. (Lechable et al., 2022)

Transgenic β-Catenin driving Actin Hydra
Doctoral programme
Aging, regeneration and drug research (ARDRE)
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847681.
- Lechable, M., Achrainer, M., Kruus, M., Salvenmoser, W., and Hobmayer, B. (2022) Molecular regulation of decision making in the interstitial stem cell lineage of Hydra revisited. In Advances in Aquatic Invertebrate Stem Cell Research. (L. Ballarin, B. Rinkevich, B. Hobmayer, Eds.) MDPI books, Basel (in press).
- Lechable, M., Jan, A., Duchene, A., Uveira, J., Weissbourd, B., Gissat, L., ... & Momose, T. (2020). An improved whole life cycle culture protocol for the hydrozoan genetic model Clytia hemisphaerica. Biology open, 9(11), bio051268.
- Coupé, S., Couvray, S., Lechable, M., Gaillard, S., & Dalvise, N. P. (2019). Telomere length as a biomarker for monitoring wild populations of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Journal of Shellfish Research, 38(3), 665-670.
- Lechable, M. Co-authors: Kitilit Kibet, M. ; Egger, B., Hartl, M. and Hobmayer, B. : Evolutionary dynamics of Myc gene family and functional conservation of an ancestral Hydra Myc protein. MARISTEM COST Action meeting, Padova, Italy, 2021-10-20.
- Lechable, M. and Pennati, A. : Regeneration research : Models for regeneration studies. European Researchers Night (online:, 2021-09-24.
Scientific activities
Member of the organizing committee of the Life Science PhD Meeting Innsbruck since 2021.
Curriculum vitae
2020 - today
PhD candidate – Evolutionary Developmental Biology team; Zoology
Institute“cWnt-Myc signaling in stem cells decision making and regeneration in Hydra
2018 - 2020
Engineer assistant – Cnidarian Developmental mechanism team; UMR7009 Developmental Biology Laboratory of Villefranche-sur-Mer (CNRS)
DNA repair genes in stem cells, jellyfish culturing optimization, transgenesis optimization, UV/oxidative stress effects
January – June 2018
Graduate internship – Cnidarian Developmental mechanism team; UMR 7009 Developmental Biology Laboratory of Villefranche-sur-Mer (CNRS)
Transgenic approaches to understand stem cell behavior and cell migration during embryogenesis and polyp rapid growth in Clytia hemisphaerica
April – July 2017
Graduate internship – Marine molecular biology team; PROTEE Laboratory of Toulon
qPCR assay in order to correlate telomeres length with age, environmental condition and several tissues in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus
May – July 2016
Undergraduate internship – Host-parasite interaction team; Institute of Integrative biology and systems of Québec
Molecular approaches to detect and quantify environmental DNA of the parasite Schistocephalus solidus of the stickleback fish
April – July 2015
Undergraduate internship – Marine molecular biology team; PROTEE Laboratory of Toulon
Study of gene expression involved in a stress of the aquaculture sturgeon Acipenser baeri
Thesis Topic: cWnt-Myc signaling in stem cell decision making and regeneration
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bert Hobmayer
- Co-supervisors: Assoz. Prof. Dr. Ute Rothbächer
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pidder Jansen-Dürr
Resarch interest:
- Stem cell biology
- Cnidarian models
- Regeneration