Project: Work-life balance of employees in the Tyrolean gastronomy (Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds, TWF)


Objective of the project is an empirical analysis of experienced conflicts between the work- and private life domain of employees in the Tyrolean gastronomy. Besides the absolute level of conflict we are interested in differences between occupations (e.g. cooks, waiters, reciptionists), antecedents of impaired work-life balance from work as well as from the private life domain, and last but not least, consequences for health, well-being and the quality of partnerships. Moreover, the project focuses also on possible conditions for a positive spill-over between the life-domains.

The project includes three sub-studies: (1) Cross-sectional questionnaire study inquiring antecedents, levels and consequences of conflicts between the work- and private domain; (2) longitudinal “diary study” analyzing the dynamics of conflict development and the influence of different leisure activities, recovery, working conditions and intra-family aspects; (3) problem-focused interviews with superiors and employees from six organizations characterized by a high level of work-life balance of employees (“good practice”).


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