Book Presentation

Jesus: A Life in Class Conflict

James Crossley

MF Norwegian School of Theology and Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements

Thursday, April 27, 2023

6 – 7.30 pm

Dekanatssitzungssaal der katholisch-theologischen Fakultät

Registration to Johannes Härting:

book cover "Jesus: A life in Class Conflict"

James Crossley (MF Norwegian School of Theology and Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements) will present his new book co-authored with Robert J. Myles (Wollaston Theological College, Perth, Australia)

Jesus: A Life in Class Conflict

In the book, Crossley and Myles provide a historical-materialist perspective on Jesus and the social, economic, and cultural conflicts of his time. Jesus was a fervent religious organizer whose movement offered a vision of a radical reversal of society and a new world order in the interests of the underclass. The movement’s popular appeal was due in part to a desire to represent the values of ordinary rural workers, and its vision meant that the rich would have to give up their wealth while the poor will come to enjoy a life of luxury. Crossley will present his portrait of the Jesus movement and the material conditions that made it possible.

Moderation: J. Andrew Doole

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James Crossley

Portrait James Crossley

James Crossley joined MF in 2022 as Research Professor in Bible, Society and Politics. He was previously Professor of Bible, Culture, and Politics at the University of Sheffield and Professor of Bible and Society at St Mary's University, London.

His research and teaching interests can be put into two broad categories: historical Jesus, Christian origins and Judaism in the first century; politics, religion, and reception history. He has supervised and welcomes PhD students in both areas.

One of the ways James connects his interest in these two periods is through his focus on how people understand and negotiate historical change. His work on political rhetoric, for instance, looks at how the social, economic, and geopolitical upheavals have led to distinctive ways of constructing what the Bible and religion "really means" Similarly, his work on first-century Palestine looks at how socio-economic changes in Galilee and Judea intersected with traditions associated with Jesus and how these were then interpreted, ignored, rethought, modified, adapted, and so on.
James is one of the academic directors of the Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements (CenSAMM).


Professional competence areas:

  • Historical Jesus
  • Christian Origins
  • Judaism in the first century

Latest academic publications

  • Crossley, J. (2022). Mary Magdalene and the Life of Judith in Life of Brian, Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus, s. 156 - 169. Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus, ISSN: 1476-8690
  • Crossley, J. (2022). Spectres of John Ball: The Peasants' Revolt in English Political History, 1381-2020, Equinox Publishing, ISBN: 9781800501362
  • Crossley, J. (2022). John Ball and the 1381 English Uprising: From Rebellion to Revolutions, Religion in Rebellions, Revolutions, and Social Movements,, s. 71 - 88. Routledge, ISBN: 9781003177821
  • Crossley, J. (2022). Towards a Vulgar Marxist Reading of Christian Origins Today, Critical Theory and Early Christianity,, s. 252 - 267. Equinox Publishing, ISBN: 9781781794135

View all publications on the Cristin website...

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University of Innsbruck
Institute of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology
Karl-Rahner-Platz 1
6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507-3641

Monday–Thursday: 10.30–12.00 and 13.30–15.00 
Friday: 10.30–12.00 


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