EPoS Podiumsdiskussion

Welche Rolle spielt die Universität bei der Klimapolitik?


   Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2023

  17-19.00 Uhr

  Madonnensaal, Theologie, Karl-Rahner-Straße 3, Innsbruck

    Um Anmeldung bis 28.5.2023 wird gebeten.




Statements der Gäste
Introductory statements


Podium discussion


Offene Diskussion
Open discussion from audience


Gemeinsamer Umtrunk

Lorenzo Rieg, Vizerektorat für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit
Representative from the Vice Rectorate Digitalization and Sustainability

Margreth Keiler, Co-Vorsitzende des 2. Österreichischen Sachstandsbericht zum Klimawandel (AAR2),
Institut für Geographie, Universität Innsbruck
Co-Chair of the 2nd Austrian Assessment Report on Climate Change (AAR2),
Department of Geography University of Innsbruck

Katharina Gangl, Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe „Behavioral Economics,
Instituts für Höhere Studien in Wien (Insight Austria)
Head of the Research Group “Behavioral Economics”,
Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna (Insight Austria)

Elisabeth Gsottbauer,
Institut für Finanzwissenschaft, Universität Innsbruck
Department of Public Finance, University of Innsbruck

Jean Herzog, Vertreter des „Green Offices“ der Universität Innsbruck
Student representative from the Green Office at the University of Innsbruck

Katharina Geistlinger Vertreterin der Klimaaktivist:innengruppe „Letzte Generation“
Representative of the climate activist group "Last Generation”

Research Area EPoS – Economy, Politics & Society
Universität Innsbruck

Eva Zipperle-Mirwald

Room o.1.3
Universitätsstraße 15
6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507-39870

Organizing committee
Luisa Lore, Sarah Flecke, Natalie Struwe, Rene Schwaiger, Dominik Duell, Esther Blanco and Markus Walzl

Data protection notice

Photographs (or screenshots) and/or films may be taken during this event. By attending the event, you acknowledge that photographs and video footage of you may be used for press coverage and published in various (social) media, publications and on websites of the University of Innsbruck. For further information on data protection, please see our privacy policy at: www.uibk.ac.at/datenschutz

We ask you to travel in an environmentally friendly way! By public transport, on foot or by bicycle. There are sufficient bicycle parking spaces available. Information on public transport can be found at www.vvt.at

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