Coffee – PuB – Peers and Beverages
Academic Writing as an Early Career Scholar
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
1 – 2.30 pm
Marketing Spitz (SOWI, 3rd floor, East)
Academic writing can be a fulfilling but also challenging and overwhelming experience for early career scholars. On March 14th from 13.00 to 14.30, please join us for an honest exchange on our struggles and great moments in writing. Daniela Rothe (Writing Center, University of Innsbruck) will talk about the practice of journalling in academia, the tinkering between the scientific object itself and writing, and the re-(production) of gender stereotypes in scientific writing. Monica, Milena, and Ellen (early career researchers at University of Innsbruck & Leuphana University Lüneburg) will share their writing experiences based on a collective letter diary they wrote to each other over a couple of months to reflect on their writing practices. We would love to hear about your experiences, too, and together question and discuss the norms and ways of academic writing.
Research Area EPoS – Economy, Politics & Society
Universität Innsbruck
Eva Zipperle-Mirwald
Room o.1.3
Universitätsstraße 15
6020 Innsbruck
+43 512 507-39870
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