Gallery of plasma and fluid dynamics
Plasma blob

Interchange instability of a localised density disturbance ("blob").
Isothermal "full-F" 2-d gyrofluid simulation (code: TOEFL; Kendl, PPCF 2015).
Drift wave turbulence

Drift wave turbulence: Density fluctuations in a magnetised plasma.
Isothermal Hasegawa-Wakatani simulation (code: IMPETUS; Kendl, Phys. Plasmas 2011).
ELM eruption

Outburst of an ideal ballooning ELM instability at the edge of a tokamak.
6-moment "delta-f" gyrofluid simulation (code: GEMR; Kendl et al, Phys. Plasmas 2010).
Video: Boundary layer turbulence
Turbulence at the transition from closed flux surfaces to the scrape-off layer (SOL).
6-moment "delta-f" gyrofluid simulation (code: GEMR; Gennrich et al, PPCF 2012).
Drift-Alfven turbulence at the edge of fusion plasmas

Turbulent generation of blob filaments (marked in green) at the plasma edge.
Isothermal "full-F" 3-d gyrofluid simulation (code: TOEFL; Kendl, unpublished).
Global tokamak turbulence

Helical field line-following structures of turbulence in tokamaks.
Global 3-d "full-F" gyrofluid simulation (code: FELTOR; Held & Wiesenberger, doi:10.5281/zenodo.248874).
Field lines in a torus

Visualisation of field line tracing in a tokamak.
(Code: FELTOR; Held & Wiesenberger, doi:10.5281/zenodo.248874).
Video: Filaments in the plasma ball
Plasma filaments in the large plasma ball: slow motion recorded at 1000 fps.