iwilogo          e-Learning

The term e-Learning can be defined as all forms of teaching and learning that use and depend on electronic media and the resulting teaching methods. It can simply be viewed as an upgraded version of the conventional uses of information and communication technologies. It has been possible to use online learning platforms as an electronic support system of sorts for lectures since 2000. Not only has the organization of lectures been simplified, but now students can take minor and sometimes major parts of selected lectures online.

e-Learning-projects at the University Innsbruck

e-Learning-projects at the Unit of Hydraulic Engineering

     2018     e-Learning Unterstützung für Lehrveranstaltungen am Arbeitsbereich Wasserbau    

     2012     e-Learning Unterstützung HYDRAULIK II

     2011     Anfertigung von Lehrvideos und Photos für die wasserbauliche Ausbildung

     2008     eHydrology 2

     2007     Virtuelles WasserBauLabor 2
                   Pipe Hydraulics

     2006     Virtuelles Wasserbaulabor

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