Ongoing Projects in the Alpine Hydroclimatology Research Group, Institute of Geography
- PROSNOW – Provision of a prediction system allowing for management and optimization of snow in Alpine ski resorts
- HydroGeM3 (also with the Atmospheric Dynamics Research Group)
- MUSICALS II – Multiscale Snow/Icemelt Discharge Simulation into Alpine Reservoirs (an alpS/COMET project)
- STELLA – Storylines of coupled socio-economic and climatic drivers for land use and their hydrological impacts in Alpine catchments
Ongoing Projects in the Atmospheric Dynamics Research Group, Institute of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences
- Atmospheric boundary-layer modeling over complex terrain (ASTER)
- Cold season thunderstorms in Europe (Wintergewitter in Europa)
- FERUS - Footprint Estimation over Rough Urban Surfaces
- Ice in caves - a threatened climate archive in the Alps
- IAO+
- Innsbruck Box (i-Box)
- TEAMx-Seed
- Multiscale Interactions in Convection Initiation in the Alps (MICIA)
- PIANO - Penetration and Interruption of Alpine Foehn
- Multivariate Probabilistic Forecasting of Weather Using Joint Distributional Regression (with Department of Statistics)
- Near-surface turbulent exchange in the stable mountain boundary layer (TExSMBL)
Ongoing Projects in the Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Research Group, Institute of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences
- Constraining urban methane sources based on direct eddy covariance measurements
- Urban Air Quality: IAO
- Charakterisierung von NOx Quellen in Innsbruck
- Urban trees and air pollution: Effect of drought and salt stress on the production of VOC and absorption of ozone by different city trees
- Quantification of urban emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by flux measurements and its application
Ongoing Projects in the Dendrochronology Research Group, Institute of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences
- Holocene tree-ring isotopes and glaciers
- ALP-IMP - Multi-centennial climate variability in the Alps based on Instrumental data, Model simulations and Proxy data
Ongoing Projects in the Ice and Climate Research Group, Institute of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences
- PROVIDE (Paris Agreement Overshooting – Reversibility, Climate Impacts and Adaptation Needs)Girls on Ice Austria
- Measuring and modelling snow-cover dynamics at high resolution for improving distributed mass balance research on mountain glaciers (Snow-Cover)
- Mountain Climate at the Kilometre-Scale Resolution
- Scaling regional sea level changes with climate forcings
- Certainties and uncertainties in the future surface mass balance of mountain glaciers
- The Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM)
- Spatio-temporal variability in water availability and demand in the Peruvian Andes (Agroclim-Huaraz)
- Modelling glacier length changes in Alps on the base of tree-ring based temperature reconstructions for the last 2500 years
- Mass Balance of Kesselwandferner
- Mass Balance of Hintereisferner
- Hintereisferner - an Open Air Laboratory
- International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic (INTERACT)
- Interregionales Gletschermonitoringkonzept für die Region Südtirol-Tirol (GLISTT)
- Atmospheric controls on water stable isotopes in Antarctica (ACOSIA)
- Quantifying precipitation and its contribution to surface freshening in the Southern Ocean - part of ACE
Ongoing Projects in the Lake and Glacier Ecology Research Group, Institute of Ecology
- MicroArctic - Microorganisms in Warming Arctic Environments
- Palaeothermometry of the Middle Würmian (MIS 3) in the Eastern Alps
- Ice and Life in Alpine and Polar Regions
- From myth to reason – Population structure and spawning areas of tropical eels (Anguilla marmorata, A. megastoma, A. obscura) in the western South Pacific
- Chemolithoautotrophic carbon dioxide fixation in lakes
- UV stress in alpine lakes: hsp gene expression in copepods
Ongoing Projects in the Palyonolgy and Archaeobotany Research Group, Institute of Botany
- Holocene vegetation history in the Karwendel. In collaboration with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
- CALICE- Calibrating plant diversity in ice (starting soon)
- C3 Cave's Cryosphere and climate
- Baumkirchen Paleo Lake
- Conturines Caves
- Cryogenic Cave Carbonates
- Devils Hole Nevada
- Eurasion Isotope Transect
- High and Dry
- Ice Caves
- Marine Isotope Stage 11
- Northeast Greenland Caves
- Out in the Open
- Palaeoflood Record at Hallstätter See
- Quaternary Dynamics of the Riss Valley
- Vindija Cave
Ongoing Projects in the Remote Sensing and Topographic LiDAR Research Group, Institute of Geography
- Process-oriented analysis of erosion dynamics in the Alps with orthophoto time series and multi-spectral close-range sensing
- METyrol – Monitoring of shallow erosion in the montane to alpine elevation zone of Tyrol with remote sensing methods