AchieVE-ZEB - Achieving Zero Emission Building Stock with Viable Educational Programs

Project Leader: AEA - Austrian Energy Agency 

Project Leader University of Innsbruck: Rainer Pfluger

Project Assistants: Daniel Plörer, Josef Miller, Pavel Sevela

 Project Partners

  • Passivhaus Institute Darmstadt (PHI)
  • Passivhaus Institute Innsbruck (PHI-IBK)
  • Gebäudeenergieberater Ingenieure Handwerker – Bundesverband e.V. (GIH)
  • Energieagentur Steiermark (EASt)
  • University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK)

Funding agency: EU

Funding Program / Call: LIFE-2023-CET (LIFE Clean Energy Transition)

Project Period: 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2027


Project 101167494 — LIFE23-CET-AchieVE-ZEB 



The AchieVE-ZEB project aligns with the objectives of the proposal of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive on Zero Emission Buildings, in line with the EU Green Deal's sustainability goals. The consortium, consisting of institutions with cutting-edge expertise, collaborates to enhance sector knowledge in step-by-step renovation, energy-efficient heating, modular renovation elements, summer comfort, circularity, and life cycle assessment. The project aims to create high-quality training schemes or upgrade existing ones, to implement them for target audiences including energy consultants, planners, project developers, and building professionals in Austria and Germany, and to lay the foundations for a long-term replication and wide adoption of the training schemes. A didactic concept will be developed in WP2, using a comprehensive methodology that includes gap and target group analysis and the definition of training contents and goals. On this basis, WP 3 will carry out the creation and upgrade of training materials using up-to-date and attractive forms, like e-learning, videos, and mock-ups. WP 3 will also create concepts for organizing course modules and establishing training programs by assembling existing and new training materials. The new and upgraded training schemes, each quantified in ECTS credits, will be implemented in pilot courses in WP4 and evaluated by the participants. The results of the evaluation will be used to adapt and improve training materials and schemes. The project's viability beyond its duration is ensured through curriculum approval, continuous communication, dissemination, and replication strategies, including training of trainers, multifunctional training materials, English translations, and a detailed exploitation plan. Stakeholders and networks of each project participant will actively contribute throughout the project, especially in the development of a replication strategy.

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