Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Hugl

Hugl Ulrike aktuell

Economic Crime


  +43 (0) 512/507-71370

  +43 (0) 512/507-71399



  by arrangement (please via e-mail)



Research Foci

White-collar crime (e.g. malicious insider threat), industrial espionage, data protection and questions of information security, ranging from individuals to organizations, new technologies and new learning methods and developments, university policy.

Publications and speeches (selected)

Teaching Activities

Topics: white-collar crime and information security, introduction to managerial economics, scientific working and literature research, cost accounting, etc.

IPTV-project: (since 2009) implementation/service of live streaming for lecturers (faculties SoWi-building).

Teaching award "Lehreplus - Sonderpreis der Jury 2014" for excellent teaching initiatives

Research Awards

"Nestlé-Preis for Economics" (best Austrian dissertation Österreichs in economics)

"Michael-Lehmann-Award" (for extraordinary high-quality and innovative works)

Service to the university

Since 2021 chair of the works committee for the scientific staff

Chairperson of the ULV Innsbruck (, an independent organization for the scientific, teaching and artistic staff of Innsbruck's universities (since 2016)

Member of the BV13 (since 01.01.2023)

Alternate member of the so-called "Zentralausschuss für die Universitätslehrer/innen der Ämter der Universitäten beim Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft" ( - see „Der ULV im ZA“)

Member of the Senate ( - since 2016 - ongoing)

Delegate of the University of Innsbruck at the Forum New Media in Teaching Austria ( - 2011-2022)

Member of the data protection committee of the University of Innsbruck

Service to the faculty

Alternative member of the faculty council (Faculty of Business and Management)

Chairperson of the assembly of the department’s members

Alternate member of the curriculum committee (Faculty of Business and Management)

New Media Delegate (Faculty of Business and Management (2003-2022))

Safety representative (SoWi university building)

Reviewer and member of scientific/program committees of conferences and journals (as service to the scientific community)

Examples: Reviewer for VHB (German Academic Association for Business Research) commissions “organization” and “personnel”; for journals like Internet Research, Computers & Education, The Internet and Higher Education, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Human Relations, Behaviour & Information Technology, etc.

Conferences (examples): HCI (Human Computer Interaction) International / HAS (Conference on Human Aspects of information Security, Privacy and Trust), ECCWS (European Conference on Cyber Warfare  and Security, ECSM (European Conference on  Social Media), AMCIS (American Conference on Information Systems), ECIS (European Conference on Information Systems), ACIS (Australasian Conference on Information Systems), and others.

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