Qualification agreement

Starting as a PostDoc

The qualification targets in the performance areas are defined within the first year of employment:

  • Research
  • teaching
  • Leadership competence/ management/
    social competence

Qualification phase as assistant professor:in
(§ 27 para 3)

At the start of the qualification period, the research assistant becomes an assistant professor.

  • Extended protection against dismissal
  • Salary group A2 (§ 49 para. 2)
  • 4 semester hours per week
    Teaching duties
  • annual interim reports

The qualification period lasts 4-5 years. The evaluation is started after the 5th year at the latest.

Permanent appointment as Associate Professor
(§ 27 para 5)

Upon attainment of the agreed qualification, the assistant professor concerned becomes an associate professor.

  • Permanent employment contract
  • Salary group A2/2 (§ 49 para. 2 a)
  • Full teaching duties (8 semester hours per week)
  • Independent supervision of theses
  • Member of the group of university professors under organisational law

Enquiries & advice

Office of the Vice-Rector for Research
Career development and quality assurance in research

Dr. Gunna Weingartner
+43 512 507 20108

Main University Building
Innrain 52, Room 1031
A-6020 Innsbruck

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