Master’s Programme Botany

Are you interested in the importance of plants for humans and the environment and do you want to understand the plant in the ecosystem and in the changing climate?

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In the Master’s Degree Programme in Botany the students gain extensive knowledge about the biology of plants from the molecular to the ecosystem level.

Students may specialise in biochemistry and cell biology, stress physiology and ecophysiology, evolutionary systematics, biodiversity and population biology, palynology and archeobotany, agricultural and forest ecology, climate change and environmental protection.


Graduates possess highly specialized knowledge in the fields of botany described above. They are able to apply their knowledge at the intersections of other biological disciplines, agriculture and forestry, pharmaceutics, medicine, and environment and nature conservation to independently formulate and substantiate scientific arguments and to find innovative solutions to problems.

The Master's Programme Botany covers the functions, structures, distribution and evolution of plants as well as the development of plant communities, especially in the Alpine regions. Areas of focus include molecular, cellular, organismic and social investigations of

  • biodiversity in the Alps and other mountain regions,
  • adaptation strategies for extreme climate conditions,
  • effects of climate change on vegetation,
  • current and historical vegetation and climate dynamics.

Master's theses are usually integrated into our numerous research projects, allowing insights into a wide range of modern laboratory and field work methods.

Graduates of the Master’s Programme in Botany can pursue careers in research and teaching as well as in practice. Possible professional fields include the areas of environmental and nature protection, landscape management and conservation, agriculture and forestry, plant cultivation and breeding, plant bio technology, pharmacy and medicine, food examination, science journalism, museums and botanical gardens, nature conservation areas and regional development.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

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From the field

Stipen­dien ver­geben

Vergangenen Donnerstag überreichte Ulrike Tanzer, Vizerektorin für Forschung an der Uni Innsbruck, Doktoratsstipendien an junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler.

Warum Pflan­zen ein­frieren, dabei aber nicht ein­gehen

Pflanzen haben verschiedene Strate­gien, um frostige Temperaturen zu überstehen. Botaniker der Uni Inns­bruck untersuchen, wie sie das genau machen. Besonders interessiert sie der Gletscherhahnenfuß. „Ranunculus glacialis“ ist die einzige bekannte Pflanze, deren Blüte gänzlich unbeschadet durchfrieren kann.

Zen­trale Stu­dien­be­ra­tung

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