STE­PHAN TRÜBY - Auto­ri­täre (Meta-)Po­li­ti­ken in Archi­tek­tur und Stadt­pla­nung

On Thursday, April 25th at 18:30, architecture theorist Stephan Trüby took the stage with his lecture Autoritäre (Meta-)Politiken in Architektur und Stadtplanung.

Prof. Dr phil. Stephan Trüby (* 1970) is Professor of Architectural Theory and Director of the Institute of Principles of Modern Architecture (Design and Theory, IGmA) at the University of Stuttgart. He was previously Professor of Temporary Architecture at the HfG Karlsruhe (2007-09), headed the MAS Scenography/Spatial Design postgraduate programme at the Zurich University of the Arts (2009-2014), taught architectural theory at Harvard University (2012-2014) and was Professor of Architecture and Cultural Theory at the Technical University of Munich (2014-2018). His most important books include Exit Architecture. Design between War and Peace (2008), The World of Madelon Vriesendorp (2008, with Shumon Basar), Germania, Venezia: Die deutschen Beitrage zur Architekturbiennale Venedig seit 1991 - Eine Oral History (2016, with Verena Hartbaum), Absolute Architekturbeginner: Schriften 2004-2014 (2017), Die Geschichte des Korridors (2018) and Rechte Räume: Politische Essays und Gespräche (2020).

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