Lehreplus! 2024

Call for applications

In 2024, the University of Innsbruck will be awarding the "Lehreplus!" teaching prize to recognise excellence and innovation in university teaching. With this award, we recognise those teachers who not only impart knowledge through their work, but also proactively shape and tackle future challenges in society and education. We invite all teaching staff at the university to submit entries or nominate colleagues who have made outstanding achievements in the following areas:

  1. Teaching interdisciplinary skills (non-subject related skills or "future skills"): We are looking for teaching concepts that teach students not only subject-specific knowledge, but also non-subject related skills such as critical thinking, creativity, communication skills and digital skills.
  2. Promoting interaction between students and lecturers: Excellent teaching thrives on interaction. We recognise courses and teaching concepts that promote an intensive and constructive exchange between teachers and students and thus increase student engagement and learning success.

Application and selection procedure

Submission deadline: from May to 30 June 2024

Submission documents: Submission is made using a structured form via Limesurvey

Selection criteria: All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by a preliminary jury and ranked in a shortlist. Students will be interviewed about the shortlisted courses. The final prize is awarded in a final jury meeting.

Award ceremony: The award ceremony will take place at a festive event in Spring 2025. The winners will be notified in advance and invited to present their projects.

Submission form as Word document

We look forward to receiving your applications and to the opportunity to celebrate and promote the diversity and quality of teaching at the University of Innsbruck.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Office for Quality Assurance in Teaching: eval-lehre@uibk.ac.at

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