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Work package 4:
MU Leoben, Prof. R. Galler

Institute for Subsurface Engineering

1. Subject:

Investigation of the parameters "Disc cutter diameter, disc cutter geometry, disc cutter spacing, and contact pressure" in different lithologies regarding rock breakage and rock fragmentation, wear of cutters and cutting performance (penetration rate).

2. Aims

  • Deeper understanding of the influence of the above named parameters on penetration and wear of cutters
  • Development of methods for optimisation of cutter diameter and cutter spacing
  • Analysis of grain-size distribution as a function of the above named parameters

3. Methods:

  • Tests with linear cutting machine in Zeltweg
  • Mineralogical-petrografical investigations
  • Numerical modelling accompanying the tests

4. Procedure:

  • Checking and documentation of the test apparatuses stiffness
  • Definition of the rock types that shall be tested
  • Classification of the specified rocks by means of standard laboratory testing
  • Detailed analysis of the cutting process
  • Variation of parameters
  • Checking of established correlations and investigation of new / expected correlations
  • Comparison of existing prediction models, suggestions for improvement and contributions to a new prediction model

5 On-going Dissertations:

  • Lassnig, K.
    Treatment of the above named topic within the frame work of an on-going research project "Recycling of tunnel excavation material" funded by the Austrian Agency FFG.
  • Entacher, M.
    Development of a measurement system on tunnel boring machines for the prediction of geotechnical parameters in real time.

6. Relevant publications

R. Galler; 1998; Zur Verspannung offener Tunnelbohrmaschinen; Felsbau 16 (1998) Nr.1

R. Galler; 1999; Anmerkungen zu Rechenverfahren im Berg- und Tunnelbau, BHM 144.Jg. (1999), Heft 2, S. 52 - 55

R. Galler; 2000; Impulse zur Weiterentwicklung des Tunnelbohrmaschinenvortriebes, Vortrag im Rahmen des Österreichischen Tunneltages 2000, 11. Oktober 2000, Salzburg, Veröffentlicht im Tagungsband - Proceedings, S. 139 - 144

R. Galler, St. Eberl, U. Restner, H. Mali, "The Influence of the Parameter "Temperature on the Abrasiveness of Rock", Geomechanik und Tunnelbau, Heft 1, 2008, S. 77 - 83

R. Galler, "Long Term Behaviour of Geomechanical Materials and Penetration Forecast Models for TBM-Tunnelling", The Third ACTUE International Symposium, Towards a Safe and Saving Underground Space, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 8. - 9.12.2008

R. Galler, F. Ebner, D. Resch, K. Lassnig, "Tunnel excavation material - high value raw material", Geomechanics and Tunnelling 2, 2009, N. 5, S. 612 - 618