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Work package 3:
ETH Zurich, Prof. G. Anagnostou

Chair of Underground Construction

1. Subject:

Investigation of the effect of initial stress field and of tunnel face geometry on the advance rate.

2. Objectives and goals

Improving understanding concerning the effects of initial stress field and of tunnel face geometry on the rock diminution process and on the stability and deformations of the rock mass around the cutterhead (and thus also on the penetration, utilization degree and, finally, advance rate).

3. Methods:

  • Mainly deductively based upon rock mechanics considerations and models
  • Possibly also inductively depending on the availability, quality and information content of field data

4. General Approach:

  • Identification of possible mechanisms:
    • We will investigate for a series of typical rock mass types (such as blocky or highly fractured rock, squeezing rock, competent hard rock) whether the stress field in the rock around the tunnel face may influence the parameters which determine the production rate (penetration, cutter head rotational speed, utilization degree) and whether cutter head geometry and shield length are relevant in this respect.
  • In-depth investigation of selected questions such as:
    • Which stress state is critical with respect to the stability of the face? How does the cutterhead geometry affect the intensity and frequency of rock burst, spalling or gravity induced instabilities at the tunnel face?
    • Does the secondary stress field - which is different depending on shield length and / or cutterhead geometry - influence penetration?

5. Dissertations:

The possibility of a PhD research will be assessed after the first investigation phase.

Related own publications:

Ramoni, M., Anagnostou, G. (2010): Tunnel boring machines under squeezing conditions. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 25, 139-157.

Ramoni, M., Anagnostou, G. (2010): Thrust force requirements for TBMs in squeezing ground. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 25, 433-455.

Ramoni, M., Anagnostou, G. (2010): The interaction between shield, ground and tunnel support in TBM tunnelling through squeezing ground. Rock Mech Rock Eng. DOI 10.1007/s00603-010-0103-8

Ramoni, M., Anagnostou, G. (2011): The effect of consolidation on TBM shield loading in water-bearing squeezing ground. Rock Mech Rock Eng., Vol. 44, No. 1, 63-83, DOI 10.1007/s00603-010-0107-4