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Work Package 2:
TU München, Prof. K. Thuro

Chair for Engineering Geology

1. Content:

Evaluation of TBM machine data concerning penetration rate and wear of tools by geological documentation and geotechnical data analysis. The aim of the work is to find out relevant geological parameters and geotechnical rock properties as well as machine-controlled factors of influence on penetration and tool wear of TBM drives in hard rock

  • Testing recommendations, sample dimension and orientation of anisotropy
  • Geotechnical properties of rock (and soil, if necessary)
  • Correlation between uniaxial compressive strength, destruction work, tensile strength and deformation behaviour with the penetration rate
  • Abrasivity of rock and soil material
  • Wear of rock cutting tools in correlation with geotechnical parameters
  • Anisotropy of rock material and rock mass
  • Primary stress conditions and stress conditions at the tunnel face during excavation

2. Methods:

  • Geological analysis and case-adapted sampling strategies and techniques
  • Sample handling and preparation in our own rock mechanics laboratory
  • Laboratory testing and validation of results, compilation of a data base on rock properties
  • Data evaluation and analysis of TBM drives
  • Correlation, analysis and spatial statistics of gained data sets; generation of hypotheses and validation of findings
  • Application of numerical modelling for the analysis of fracture propagation, primary stress conditions, stability and deformation analysis, (e.g. Phase2, Rocscience; PFC - Particle Flow Code; UDEC - Universal Distinct Element Code, FLAC 3D - three dimensional Fast Lagrange Code, Itasca)

3. Aims:

  • Laboratory testing
    • Regulation and improvement of established testing techniques by establishing recommendations and standards for sampling, testing procedure and interpretation of results
  • Abrasivity
    • Preparation of improved recommendations for appropriate laboratory and in situ tests
    • Preparation of advanced testing recommendations
    • Suggestions for documentation of rock abrasivity and wear of rock cutting tools during TBM drives
  • Wear of rock cutting tools
    • Development of an enhanced prediction model for tool wear
  • Anisotropy
    • Modelling of fracture propagation in anisotropic and inhomogeneous rock during rock drilling and cutting
  • Tool wear in soil material
    • Improvement of the knowledge of tool wear in soil material
    • Analysis of the main influencing factors on tool wear
    • Basic approach to a prediction model of tool wear in soil material
  • Geological and geotechnical documentation of Slurry Shield drives in soil material
    • Improvement of geological and geotechnical documentation techniques including validation of the established methods

4. Approach:

  • Abrasivity
    • Constitution of fundamental principles and correlations
    • Evaluation of the CERCHAR- and the LCPC abrasivity test
    • Compilation of data and documentation requirements using ongoing TBM projects
  • Tool wear in hard rock
    • Data evaluation of used tools (disc cutters, scrapers et cetera)
    • Model building using obtained data sets
    • Model validation by back analysis
  • Influence of rock anisotropy
    • Drilling tests with rotary percussion rigs and button bits
    • Analysis of joints and cracks at the borehole bottom using pigmented thin sections
    • Numerical modelling with PFC - Particle Flow Code in 2D
    • Model validation using a constitutional model and back analysis of real data
  • Tool wear in soil material
    • Evaluation of data using ongoing shield drives (as well as foundation construction projects)
    • Modelling
    • Validation
  • Engineering geological documentation of TBM tunnels in soil material
    • Data evaluation using ongoing shield drives
    • Presentation and interpretation of information and data
    • Validation of the established analysing methods

5. Doctoral theses

  • Heiko Käsling
    Title: Bestimmung der Gesteinsabrasivität - Grundlagen, Anwendung und Einsatzgrenzen bei maschinellen Tunnelvortrieben - Determination of rock abrasiveness - principles, application and limitation of use in TBM tunnelling
    Projects: West Area CSO Atlanta (USA) + kleinere Projekte
    Finalized: July 2009
  • Christian Frenzel
    Title: Kostenprognose von Schneidrollen beim maschinellen Tunnelvortrieb in Festgesteinen - Cost prognosis for disc cutter consumption for mechanized tunnelling in hard rock
    Projects: LBT, GBT and other TBM-drives in hardrock
    Finalized: July 2009
  • Nik Schormair
    Title: Der Einfluss der Anisotropie bei der Gebirgslösung im Tunnelbau - Modellierung und Wirklichkeit - Influence of anisotropy concerning excavability in tunnelling - observation and model
    Projects: LBT, GBT and other TBM-drives in hardrock
    Finalized: July 2009
  • Florian Köppl
    Title: Abbauwerkzeugverschleiß im EPB und Mix-Schild Vortrieb in Lockergesteinen - Cutting tool wear in Mix-Shield tunneling in soil
    Projects: TBM-drives in soil material
    Finalized: 2012
  • Katharina Wendl
    Title: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der ingenieurgeologischen Dokumentation von Schildvortrieben - Engineering geological documentation and evaluation of slurry shield drives
    Projects: Inn Valley, Lot H3-4 and H8 (Mixshield-TBM in soil material)
    Finalized: Spring 2011

Publications since 2004:

THURO, K. (2010): Empfehlung Nr. 5 "Punktlastversuche an Gesteinsproben" des Arbeitskreises 3.3 "Versuchstechnik Fels" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik. - Bautechnik 87/6: 322-330.

KÄSLING, H. & THURO, K. (2010): Bestimmung der Gesteinsabrasivität - Versuchstechniken und Anwendung. - In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik: 31. Baugrundtagung. Vorträge. - 282 S., 31. Baugrundtagung 3.-6.11.2010 München, 233-240.

KÄSLING, H. & THURO, K. (2010): Determining rock abrasivity in the laboratory. - In: Proceedings of the European Rock Mechanics Symposium EUROCK 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-18 June 2010, 4 p.

KÄSLING, H. & THURO, K. (2010): Determining abrasivity of rock and soil in the laboratory. - In: Williams, A.L., Pinches, G.M., Chin, C.Y., McMorran, T.J. & Massey, C.I. (2010): Geologically active. - 4600 S., 11th IAEG Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, 5.-10. Sept. 2010, Paper No. 235, 1973-1980.

WENDL, K., SCHOLZ, M. & THURO, K. (2010): A new approach to engineering geological documentation of slurry shield drives. - In: Williams, A.L., Pinches, G.M., Chin, C.Y., McMorran, T.J. & Massey, C.I. (2010): Geologically active. - 4600 S., 11th IAEG Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, 5.-10. Sept. 2010, Paper No. 460, 3827-3834.

THURO, K. & KÄSLING, H. (2009): Classification of the abrasiveness of soil and rock. Klassifikation der Abrasivität von Boden und Fels. - Geomechanics & Tunnelling - Geomechanik & Tunnelbau 2: 179-188.

THURO, K. & KÄSLING, H. (2009): Klassifikation der Abrasivität von Gesteinen - Minimierung eines Untergrundrisikos. - In: Schwerter, R. (ed.): Tagungsband der 17. Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie mit Forum für junge Ingenieurgeologen, Hochschule Zittau-Görlitz, Fachsektion Ingenieurgeologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik, 6.-9. Mai 2009, 137-142.

KÖPPL, F., FRENZEL, CH. & THURO, K. (2009): Statistische Modellierung von Gesteinsparametern für die Leistungs- und Verschleißprognose bei TBM-Vortrieben. - In: Schwerter, R. (ed.): Tagungsband der 17. Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie mit Forum für junge Ingenieurgeologen, Hochschule Zittau-Görlitz, Fachsektion Ingenieurgeologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik, 6.-9. Mai 2009, 415-418.

THURO, K. & SCHORMAIR, N. (2008): Fracture propagation in anisotropic rock during drilling and cutting. - Geomechanik & Tunnelbau 1 (1): 8-17.

FRENZEL, CH., KÄSLING, H. & THURO, K. (2008): Factors Influencing Disc Cutter Wear. - Geomechanik & Tunnelbau 1 (1): 55-60.

THURO, K. & PLINNINGER, R. (2007): Geologisch-geotechnische Grundlagen der Gebirgslösung im Fels. - In: EICHLER, K.: Fels- und Tunnelbau II. Verfahren und Kenngrößen, Technologie und Umwelt, Vortrieb und Sicherung, Baustoffe und Eigenschaften - 314 S., 251 Abb., 64 Tab., Kontakt und Studium, Band 684, Renningen-Malmsheim (Expert), 112-160.

SCHNEIDER, E. & THURO, K. (2007): Forschungsprojekt ABROCK - Prognose von Penetration und Verschleiß für TBM-Vortriebe im Festgestein. - Felsbau magazin 25 (6), 44-47.

THURO, K., SINGER, J. KÄSLING, H. BAUER, M. (2007): Determining abrasivity with the LCPC Test. - Proceedings of the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, 27.-31.05.2007, Vancouver B.C.

SCHORMAIR, N. & THURO, K. (2007): Simulation of drilling and cutting induced fractures in anisotropic rock using PFC2D. - Proceedings of the 1st Canada - U.S. Rock Mechjanics Symposium, 27.-31.05.2007, Vancouver B.C.

KÄSLING, H., THIELE, I. & THURO, K. (2007): Abrasivitätsuntersuchungen mit dem Cerchar-Test - eine Evaluierung der Versuchsbedingungen. - In: OTTO, F. (ed.): Veröffentlichungen von der 16. Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie, 7.-10. März 2007, Bochum. - 492 S., Bochum (Technische Fachhochschule Georg Agricola), 229-235.

THURO, K., SINGER, J., KÄSLING, H. & BAUER, M. (2006): Abrasivitätsuntersuchungen an Lockergesteinen im Hinblick auf die Gebirgslösung. - In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik: Beiträge zur 29. Baugrundtagung, 27.-29. Sept. 2006 in Bremen, 283-290.

THURO, K., SINGER, J., KÄSLING, H. & BAUER, M. (2006): Soil abrasivity assessment using the LCPC testing device. - Felsbau 24 (6), 37-45.

SCHORMAIR, N., THURO, K. & PLINNINGER, R. (2006): The influence of anisotropy on hard rock drilling and cutting. - Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the Intern. Ass. for Eng. Geol. and the Environment, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 6-10 Sept. 2006, 10 p. (Paper number 491, CD-ROM)

PLINNINGER, R.J., KÄSLING, H. & THURO, K. (2004): Wear prediction in hardrock excavation using the CERCHAR Abrasiveness Index (CAI). -In: Schubert (ed.): Rock engineering - theory and practice. - 800 p., 53rd Geomechanics Colloquy & ISRM Regional Symposium Eurock 2004, 7-8 Oct. 2004, Salzburg, Austria, Essen (Glückauf), 599-604.

THURO, K. (2004): Predicting roadheader advance rates: geological challenges and geotechnical answers. - Vardar, M., Güney, A. & Demirbag, E. (ed.): Proceedings of the 50th Years Symposium of The Faculty of Mines, Istanbul Technical University, The Underground Resources of Turkey Today and Future, 5-8 June 2003, Istanbul, Turkey - 124 p., Istanbul (Istanbul Technical University), 110-116.

THURO, K. (2002): Geologisch-felsmechanische Grundlagen der Gebirgslösung im Tunnelbau. - Münchner Geologische Hefte, Reihe B, Angewandte Geologie, B18, I-XIV, 1-160. [Habilitationsschrift]

THURO, K. & PLINNINGER, R.J. (2002): Klassifizierung und Prognose von Leistungs- und Verschleissparametern im Tunnelbau. - In: Taschenbuch für den Tunnelbau 2003, 27., Dt. Ges. für Geotechnik e.V., Essen (Glückauf), 62-126.