
Application is closed.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Obergurgl!

The number of participants will be limited to about 100. We will inform you about your acceptance via email. The conference package including six days in a double room with half board and transport from Innsbruck costs € 1.100,- (€ 900,- for PhD students if payed before Jan 14, 2024, € 950,- otherwise) and will be due after you have received our confirmation of acceptance, which will contain the bank connection as well. Your participation will be secured only after you have received notification of acceptance and we have received your conference fee.

We note that there are essentially only double and triple rooms available at the Obergurgl conference center. The conference will take place during high season and the ski resort of Obergurgl is fully booked during that time. If you wish to have a single room (at a higher price) or if you wish to bring along (an) accompanying person(s), please contact the conference organizers directly.

Prospective participants are strongly encouraged to present a poster. Please indicate a tentative title of your poster and give a short abstract (about 1000 characters, please use text only and TeX-style format for symbols). In addition, you can upload a PDF abstract based on our template (download below) if you want to include figures, tables or displayed equations. Further instructions are given in the template. Selected posters will be upgraded to hot topic presentations.

Invited speakers: please provide a title and a short abstract as well. Of course, you can use the abstract template.

Application Form

PDF Abstract Template

You can submit a one-page PDF abstract including pictures, tables and references, which will appear online as submitted as an additional resource. Please use our LaTeX template for this and submit a single compiled PDF. Download the Template

Personal Details

Contact Information

Accommodation and Transportation

Scientific Contribution
