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Kick-off meeting in Innsbruck, Austria
March 11th to 12th 2005

The kick-off meeting was organised in Innsbruck to start the project, coordinate all relevant activities and to plan work packagees five and six, both starting in April 2005. Apart from the project partners, Thomas Fleury, representative from the JTS (Joint Technical Secretariat), and Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser from the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention were amongst the special guests.

Here you can download the minutes of the meeting.

Scientific leader of the project: Ulrike Tappeiner
Diamont kick-off meeting in Innsbruck
The German partners Konstanze Schönthaler and Stefan Marzelli (front)

Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser at the Diamont kick-off meeting
Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser gave his comments



© Copyright 2006 - DIAMONT
Coordination: LFUI, Institute of Geography, Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck - Imprint
Last update: 07-07-2005