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Fees for conference attendance are set at € 100,00 for academics and professional participants and at € 50,00 for students.
We accept wire transfers, as well as credit card payments (Mastercard and VISA).
Payment information is provided below.

Wire transfer

Account number.: 21011130470
Bank Code: 57000, Hypo Tirol Bank
Account name: Par. 27 Mittel
IBAN: AT47 5700 0210 1113 0470

Please specify the dedicated use as „Projektdatenbank-Nummer 152158. P8470-015-012, Spatial Thinking 2“ and include your name.
Upon reception of your payment, we will contact you via email.

Should you wish to pay via credit card, please email the following information to spatialthinking2@uibk.ac.at

Name of credit card holder
Credit card number
Expiration date

We have 100 free tickets for students of the University of Innsbruck on a first come, first serve basis. Please contact us via email.

Please register and pay by the 31st of October.