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Veranstaltungen · Universität Innsbruck · Medizinische Universität Innsbruck

TIPP  Freitag, 01.12.2023

Symbolbild zum VeranstaltungstippWorkshop

Landscape of Emotion Research

10:00 - 12:30 Uhr
SOWI Fakultätssitzungssaal (3. OG), Universitätsstrasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck

Anmeldung ist erforderlich; Anmeldung beim Veranstalter bis 25.11.23; Veranstaltung ist nur für Universitätsangehörige zugänglich

Eintritt / Kosten: Eintritt frei

Weitere Informationen

Emotions are a widely researched phenomenon in many academic disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, sociology, industrial design, and business administration. In psychology, emotions have a long research tradition, given their high relevance for adaptive behavior, communication and survival. In business administration, and specifically in service, marketing, and innovation management, the relevance of emotions and emotion research has gained much attention in recent years, for example, in studying the role of emotions in dyadic service interactions, in the servicescape, or in product designs and product innovations. Yet, much is to be learned from each other.
At the University of Innsbruck, many researchers across various disciplines deal with emotions in research and teaching. The main goal of this workshop “Landscape of Emotion Research” is to bring together academics from the University of Innsbruck interested in emotion research with the aim to highlight emotions from various theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. The workshop should provide an initial platform to initiate a research exchange and discussions across formerly disconnected disciplines of emotion research at our university. We want get to know each other and to learn from each other.

Target Group: All academics at all levels (pre-doc, post-doc, tenured positions) from the University of Innsbruck interested in emotion research and open to an interdisciplinary exchange on the topic.

Requirements: Sign up for the workshop through sending an email to Dr. Eva Zipperle-Mirwald at epos@uibk.ac.at (Research Area EPoS Economy, Politics & Society) by November 25, 2023, latest.

Photo: Pexels


Research Area EPoS Economy, Politics & Society / Team Service Management (Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism)

Dr. Eva Zipperle-Mirwald
