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Dienstag, 24.10.2023


Jean Monnet Lecture :Europe’s challenges - between Next Generation EU and the revival of populists

18:30 - 20:00 Uhr
SOWI Gebäude - SR 5 (2. Stock) UND online über https://webconference.uibk.ac.at/b/and-x5a-pff-aui , Universitätsstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck

Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich

Eintritt / Kosten: Keine


Prof. Elisabetta Gualmini (MEP and University of Bologna)

Elisabetta Gualmini is Full Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna; and Member of the European Parliament since 2019 (S&D group). Gualmini has been serving on the Committee on Budgets and on the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs since 2019. In this capacity, she has been the parliament’s rapporteur on the proposal for a directive to improve platform workers’ working conditions.

Weitere Informationen

Die Vorlesung wird hybrid durchgeführt und ist somit auch über den Link https://webconference.uibk.ac.at/b/and-x5a-pff-aui aufrufbar.


Institut für Politikwissenschaft - Jean Monnet Chair for EU Integration Studies - Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer

Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer