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Freitag, 30.09.2022 bis Sonntag, 02.10.2022


Utopias of Sustainability – The Sustainability of Utopias

09:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Università degli Studi di Perugia, Palazzo Stocchi, Piazza Morlacchi 30, Perugia

Anmeldung ist erforderlich; Anmeldung beim Veranstalter bis 31.07.22

Eintritt / Kosten: Eintritt frei

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Friday, 30.09.2022

14.30 Introduction
Helios Vocca, Dean of Research, Perugia
Marion Naeser-Lather, Innsbruck & Alexander Koensler, Perugia

15.00 Opening Presentations
David Bert Joris Dhert, Newcastle and Antwerp, “The village resists”
Nilolaus Heinzer, Zuerich, “What does a ‘good’ river look like? Sustainability as an ecological and social value. The case of river restoration activism”
Umberto Cao, Marseilles, “Mayan cosmovisiones “showing the way” to contemporary activisms. The case of a civil resistance organization from Chiapas, Mexico”
Discussant: Alexander Koensler, Perugia

17.00-17.30 Coffee break

Piotr Goldstein, Berlin, “Spółdzielnia / Cooperative”
Christine Hämmerling, Zuerich, “A sustainable place of work? Voluntary activism in NGOs”
Konstantina Bousmpoura,Athens & Paula Serafini, Leicester, “¨The Future is female¨: affect, aesthetics, and the sustainability of feminism as utopia”
Discussant: Marion Naeser-Lather, Innsbruck

21.00 Film screening
Cahal McLaughlin, Belfast, “Right Now I Want to Scream: Police and Army Killings in Rio - the Brazil Haiti Connection”
Discussant: Massimiliano Minelli, Perugia

Saturday, 01.10.2022

Paloma Yáñez Serrano, Poznan, “Esto Es Lo Que Hay/It Is What It Is”
Caje Rodríguez & Cristhian Fernando, Amsterdam, “The utopia of recycling”
Caroline Soares de Almeida, Carmen Rial, Gabriel Sabanay, Carla Pires Vieira da Rocha, Cristhian Caje, Pernambuco, “Revolução dos Baldinhos: a struggle for sustainability and social justice”
Discussant: Cahal McLaughlin

11.00-11.30 Break

Tim Weldon, New Brunswick & Sarah Ruth Sippel, Leipzig, “Where the ‘neo-rurale’ meets the traditional ‘rurale’: Utopian dream, conflicting values, or tangible solution?”
Sallustio, Madeleine, “The paradoxical temporalities of neo-peasant community projects. For an anthropology of incoherence”
Claudia Terragni, Venice, “Queer multispecies entanglements in Paduan social movements”
Annika Benz, Koeln, “We just don’t have a sufficient way of relating to the Earth here“: On spirituality and activism among German activists of the grassroots movement Extinction Rebellion”
Discussant: Paula Serafina

14.00 – 15.00 Lunch break

15.00 – 17.00
Ferdinando Amato, Perugia, “La pancia verde. Auto-organizzarsi in tempi di emergenza”
Tirso Sitoe, Mozambique, “Moving with garbage”
Cristina de Benito Morán, Madrid, “Eating, farming and fighting. Political, ecological and rural imaginaries in agroecology cooperatives in Spain”
Discussant: Filippo Zerilli

17.00 – 17.30 Coffee break

17.30 – 19.30
Carlos Fonseca Da Silva, Nizza, “La Ferme du Collet: filmic observations of a French écolieu”
Céline Eschenbrenner, Baton Rouge, “Crisis and the ethics of inaction”
Valentina Gamberi, Tübingen, “Molecular activism: subjects’ transformations in Xinzhuang”
Claudia Marina Lanzidei, Bologna, “Aquí no se bota (casi) nada”
Discussant: Konstantina Bousmpoura

20.00 Dinner

21.00 film screening
Michele Lancione, Turin, “A început ploaia. Fighting for the right to housing in Bucharest”
Discussant: Filippo Zerilli, University of Cagliari

Sunday, 02.10.2022

Clate Korsant, New York, Matteo Saltalippi, Lancaster University, Claudia Giannetto, freelance, “Lifting the Green Screen”
Sophia Hoffinger, Edinburgh, “’No White German Feelings Were Hurt in the Making of this Sign’: Imagining a Free Palestine from Germany”
Selma Banich & Hameršak, Marijana, Zagreb, “Commemorating the deceased along the Balkan migratory trail: The Passage between textile, needle and activism”
Discussant: Piotr Goldstein

11.00 – 11.30 break

11.30 - 12.30 Working groups
Facilitator: Christine Hämmerling, Zurich

Final assembly and closing roundtable


Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie, Universität Innsbruck
Dipartimento di Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Perugia

Marion Näser-Lather
+43 512 507-43367

Alexander Koensler