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Montag, 30.05.2022


Crises and Resilience in Global South and North

18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
SOWI Fakultätssitzungssaal, Universitätsstraße 15

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Professors of Sociology from the Universities of Lagos/Nigeria, Debre Markos/Eth

Die PodiumsdiskutandInnen sind ProjektpartnerInnen des Africa-Uninet Projektes "Enhancing the Quality of Sociology Postgraduate Teaching and Learning through Staff Exchange and Collaboration among Three Universities".

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Crises and Resilience in Global South and North

Panel discussion with Professors of Sociology from the Universities of Lagos/Nigeria, Debre Markos/Ethiopia and Innsbruck/Austria
Moderation: Dr. Bernhard Weicht
30.5. 18:00
Fakultätssitzungssaal SOWI 3. Stock

The world currently faces in parallel (at least) three global crises and their consequences: climate change, the pandemic and political instability and insecurity. However, the expressions of these crises and their cumulative effects differ from country to country. The panel discussion addresses which expressions of these crises people experience in the three countries and compares how people and political institutions cope with them. Furthermore, we discuss the effects of overlapping crises and what forms of resilience people are developing in reaction (or not).


Africa-Uninet Projekt "Enhancing the Quality of Sociology Postgraduate Teaching and Learning through Staff Exchange and Collaboration among Three Universities".