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Dienstag, 01.03.2022

Vortrag und Diskussion  ONLINE

Online Lunch Talk Series "Sharing experiences - Let's talk about internationalisation"

13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
online, https://uni-due.zoom.us/j/62388435921?pwd=SzJvTmNDdmJhNkVUWDN1dEJ6aS83dz09

Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich

Eintritt / Kosten: Keine


Marina Casals, Larissa Jenewein and Maria Schiessling

Marina Casals (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Coordinator of the SUCTI Project), Larissa Jenewein (University of Innsbruck, International Office) and Maria Schiessling (Universiy of Innsbruck, Student Services).

Weitere Informationen

We are pleased to invite you to our monthly online lunch talk series "Sharing experiences – Let’s talk about internationalisation" organised by the Aurora Mobility and Recognition working group. We will kick off on 1 March 2022, 13:00 - 14:00 (CET) with the following topic:

SUCTI - Systemic University Change towards Internationalisation: Find out more about how to empower administrative staff by providing them with knowledge and skills related to the university’s internationalisation process
Whereas most internationalisation activities target students or academic staff, the SUCTI Project aims at empowering administrative staff through SUCTI in house trainings on internationalisation. Find more about how to convince administrative staff of the importance and added value of internationalisation and how to make them genuine change agents, in order to truly internationalise your institution.
Marina Casals (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Coordinator of the SUCTI Project), Larissa Jenewein (University of Innsbruck, International Office) and Maria Schiessling (Universiy of Innsbruck, Student Services).
We kindly ask you to share this invitation with your colleagues, working or interested in the field of internationalisation and – especially for the talk on SUCTI - human resource development.
The talk series will be hold online via Zoom (https://uni-due.zoom.us/j/62388435921?pwd=SzJvTmNDdmJhNkVUWDN1dEJ6aS83dz09). A registration is not required,
We are looking forward to welcoming you.

