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Veranstaltungen · Universität Innsbruck · Medizinische Universität Innsbruck

Montag, 17.01.2022

Vortrag und Diskussion  ONLINE

DiA Didaktik am Abend, The sound of music and the sound of speech. Language learning, music and aesthetics. Is it all sound?

18:00 - 19:00 Uhr
online, https://webconference.uibk.ac.at/b/hei-s2j-jgz-hsp

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Eintritt / Kosten:


Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Susanne Maria Reiterer

S.Reiterer is associate professor working in the field of psychology of language learning and neuro-psycholinguistics at the Dep. of Linguistics and the Centre for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna. Her main interests lie in investigating individual differences in language learning abilities, musicality, the brain, psycholinguistics and psychology of language learning. She has also started researching the phon-aesthetic and psycho-acoustic preferences towards foreign languages


Institut für Fachdidaktik