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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



Books, Reviews, Interviews, Videos/Movies

CBC Interview

The Scapegoat
René Girard's Anthropology of Violence and Religion

CBC Interview with René Girard (March 2001), prod. by David Cayley

Girard: Celui par qui le scandale arrive


Ed. Desclée de Brouwer (Oktober 2001)

Girards latest work

Girard: Je vois Satan tomber comme l'eclair

Je vois Satan tomber comme l'éclair, de René Girard (French ed.: 1999)
First Chapter (Grasset)
Review in Libération

I See Satan Fall Like Lightning, by Rene Girard (English ed: Orbis, 2001)

Alison: Faith Beyond Resentment

Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay, by James Alison (June 2001)

Dieckmann: Das Opfer

Das Opfer - aktuelle Kontroversen, ed. by Bernhard Dieckmann (June 2001)

Bartlett: Cross Purposes

Cross Purposes: The Violent Grammer of Christian Atonement, by Anthony Bartlett (May 2001)

Bellinger: The Genealogy of Violence

The Genealogy of Violence: Reflections on Creation, Freedom, and Evil, by Charles K. Bellinger (April 2001)


Schwager: Must there Be Scapegoats?

Must There Be Scapegoats?: Violence and Redemption in the Bible by Raymund Schwager (December 2000)

Kirk-Duggan: Refiner's Fire

Refiner's Fire: A Religious Engagement With Violence, by Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan (November 2000)

Lefebure: Revealation, the Religions, and Violence

Revelation, the Religions, and Violence, by Leo D. Lefebure (July 2000)

Swartley: Violence Renounced

Violence Renounced: René Girard, Biblical Studies, and Peacemaking, ed. by Willard M. Swartley (July 2000)

Gewaltige Opfer

Gewaltige Opfer: Filmgespräche mit Rene Girard und Lars von Trier, ed. by Leo Karrer, Charles Martig u. Eleonore Näf (May 2000)

Hints on forthcoming books, reviews, interviews, videos/movies related to the mimetic theory of René Girard please mail to: Dietmar Regensburger

A good Girardian Annotated Bibilography you can find at the Girard-page of Paul Nuechterlein. Further bibliographical links you will find at the COV&R Links page.