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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



COV&R-Bulletin No. 9 (Oct. 1995)

Minutes of the Business Meeting of the Annual Symposium, Chicago, June 3, 1995

The meeting convened over lunch at 12:15 p.m. Raymund Schwager, president, convened and moderated.

1. Elections: The nominations of the Advisory Board were presented. Nominations were invited from the floor.

President: Cesáreo Bandera. Elected by acclamation for two years.

Advisory Board Members: Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, Sandor Goodhart, Raymund Schwager. Elected by acclamation for three years.

James Williams thanked Raymund Schwager for his work as the first President of COV&R.

2. Treasurer's Report: Gil Bailie reported on the financial state of COV&R. As of May 30, 1995, there was a total of $1,756.36 in the general account and $2,833.00 from meeting registration fees. Much of the registration monies would be taken for various expenses. A motion was made to increase annual dues to $40, because of the costs of Contagion. Seconded and approved.

3. Contagion: Judith Arias reported on the costs of the first issue: $3,500 for 900 copies. There are at present about 200 paid subscribers. A motion of congratulations to Judith for the high quality of the first issue. Passed by acclamation.

4. Bulletin: Wolfgang Palaver reported on the Bulletin. He reminded us to send him information on matters of interest to the membership, and announced that the Bulletin would soon be on Internet, where a "home page" might serve the same purpose as the printed bulletin.

5. Next Meeting: Stanford University, June 27-29, 1996 (June 26 will be reserved for the meeting of the Advisory Board):

Robert Hamerton-Kelly invited COV&R to meet next year at Stanford as guests of the Center for International Security and Arms Control. The theme will be: "Ethnic Conflict in International Perspective." We invite all to submit papers on this theme. There will be opportunity for papers and discussions on related topics. (See the Announcement of the meeting in this issue. For papers and groups not on the theme of the conference, send proposals to James Williams.)

6. The 1997 Meeting: The Advisory Board canvassed the possibility of meeting in Jerusalem but concluded that the time was not ripe for such a venue. Professor Gerhard Larcher invited us to Graz, Austria where the theme might be something like "Mimesis goes to the Movies." His invitation was accepted eagerly.

7. Syracuse University Press and the Book Series: James Williams reported that the project is moving ahead slowly and encountering some resistance from the Board of the Press. He will keep us informed.

8. Thanks to Andrew McKenna: Raymund Schwager, founding president of COV&R, closed the meeting with a vote of thanks to Andrew McKenna, his wife Kathleen, and all those at Loyola University who helped to make this truly an outstanding meeting. The vote was passed with acclamation, applause, and loud remarks of appreciation and thanks!

Meeting adjourned, 1:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Robert Hamerton-Kelly