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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



COV&R-Bulletin No. 7 (Oct. 1994)

Minutes of the Plenary Business Meeting, Wiesbaden-Naurod, June 10, 1994

The president, Raymund Schwager, convened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Our honorary chairperson, René Girard, was present.

1. The president reported on the deliberations and recommendations of the Advisory Board, especially the plan to stagger the terms of the members of the board.

2. Election of officers and advisory board members: The nominations of the advisory board were set before the plenary meeting as follows:

a) Officers:

Executive Secretary: James Williams--for 3 yrs.

Editor of the Bulletin: Wolfgang Palaver--for 3 yrs.

Editor of Contagion: Judith Arias--for 3 yrs.

b) Board Members:

Mark Wallace, Charles Mabee--for 1 yr.

Thee Smith, Jørgen Jørgensen, Walter Wink, Mark Anspach--for 2 yrs.

Roel Kaptein, Diana Culbertson, Robert Hamerton-Kelly, Cesáreo Bandera, Andrew McKenna--for 3 yrs.

All were elected by acclamation.

3. Reports and Requests:

a) The Bulletin: The editor, Wolfgang Palaver, requested that we continue to send him reports of works relevant to our interest. He reminded us that the bibliographic service of the Bulletin was a joint effort. There was an enthusiastic vote of thanks by applause and acclamation to the editor for his fine work.

b) Contagion: The editor, Judith Arias, reported that the first issue would be out very soon; that the first two issues would follow the themes and contain papers from the annual meetings; that Contagion would be sent to paid-up members without a rise in dues; that the subtitle would be Journal of Mimesis, Violence, and Religion. She paid tribute to Cesáreo Bandera, James Williams, and Raymund Schwager for the part they played in making the first issue a reality. There was an enthusiastic vote of thanks by applause and acclamation to the editor for her fine work in getting the journal started.

c) The treasurer, Gil Bailie, reported the same information as in the Advisory Board Minutes for June 7-8, 1994. The account is $2,750.30 is in the black. There will be a request for 1994 dues soon after this meeting. [Ed. Note. A letter is scheduled to go out to North American members in September.]

d) The executive secretary, James Williams, reported on future meetings. [Ed. Note. Information on the 1994 and 1995 meetings is given in the Note from the Executive Secretary.]

1996: Stanford University, Center for International Security and Arms Control, Robert Hamerton-Kelly, organizer. Theme: "Religion, Ethnic Conflict, and International Peacekeeping" (tentative title). Dates not fixed.

1997: Jerusalem or Syracuse University. If in Jerusalem, the theme would be "Interreligious Dialogue" (tentative).

4. Vote of thanks: There was a warm vote of thanks, by applause and acclamation, to the organizers of the present meeting: Raymund Schwager, Wolfgang Palaver, Dietmar Regensburger, and their helpers from Innsbruck, and to our gracious hosts at the Wilhelm-Kempf-Haus.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Robert Hamerton-Kelly