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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



COV&R-Bulletin No. 2 (March 1992)

Report on the Symposium "Dramatische Erlösungslehre im Lichte der Theorie Girards" in Innsbruck (September 25-28, 1991)

Hardly any other European theologian in Europe has used René Girard's theory as consistently in his theological work as the Catholic systematic theologian at the Uni versity in Innsbruck Raymund Schwager, SJ. His work focuses on the doctrine of redemption. The important stages of the development of his work correspond to his publications. The interpretation of biblical texts (Brauchen wir einen Sündenbock? Gewalt und Erlösung in den biblischen Schriften, München 1978; 2nd ed. 1985; american translation: Must There Be Scapegoats? New York 1987), the reconstruction of historical models of the doctrine of redemption (Der wunderbare Tausch. Zur Geschichte und Deutung der Erlösungslehre. München 1986), and the attempt to articulate burning problems of contemporary humanity from this theological point of view (Für Gerechtigkeit und Frieden. Der Glaube als Antwort auf die Anliegen der Gegenwart. Innsbruck 1986) are, so to speak, works preparatory to a systematic project. He has taken up the project in his -- for the time being -- latest book (Jesus im Heilsdrama. Entwurf einer bibli schen Erlösungslehre. Innsbruck: Tyrolia 1990; cf. the review in: The Bulletin of COV&R No. 1 [1991] p. 10). Besides factual questions this book also discusses questions of the theological method. Firstly, therefore, it deals with the problem of historico-critical exegesis and its fruitfulness to systematic theology, and secondly with a "dramatic" concept of theology, that was developed in the tradition of Hans Urs von Balthasar.

In order to subject this attempt up to critical and comprehensive discussion, the Institut für Dogmatische und Ökumenische Theologie der Theologischen Fakultät held a symposium in Innsbruck. The organizers had several goals in mind. Firstly R. Schwager is not the only theologian who uses Girard's theory and therefore not "immune" to criticism from this point of view. Secondly the theory itself is still controversial in the field of theological research.

The symposium consisted of three parts. The begin ning focused on questions in the realm of biblical scho larship. The opening papers were in a way like "thunder bolts". Prof. Peter Fiedler (Freiburg i. Br.) criticized frontally Schwager's concept from the perspective of a historico-critical exegete. R. Schwager tried to refute this criticism in his supplementary paper. The subsequent discussion of exegetical questions returned again and again to the opening argument. The following speakers dealt with the biblical topics: Lorenz Oberlinner (Freiburg i. Br.): "Wer kann sich in Wahrheit auf Gott berufen?" Ein Plädoyer für die Gegner Jesu ["Who can truly refer to God?" A plea in favor of the adversaries of Jesus]; Robert Hamerton-Kelly (Stanford/USA): Die "Menschenmenge" und die Poetik des Sündenbocks im Markusevangelium [The crowd and the poetics of the scapegoat in the gospel of Mark]; James G. Williams (Syracuse/USA): Die Wahr heit des Opfers [The truth of the victim]; Robert North SJ (Rome) Lohfinks Empfehlung für Girard [Lohfink's recom mendation of Girard]; Eckart Otto (Mainz) Gewaltvermei dung und -überwindung in Recht und Religion Israels. Rechtshistorische und theologische Anmerkungen eines Alttestamentlers zu R. Schwagers Entwurf einer bibli schen Erlösungslehre [Avoidance and overcoming of violence in the law and religion of Israel. Legal-historical and theological considerations of R. Schwager's program of a biblically-based doctrine of redemption by a scholar of the Old Testament]; Klaus Koch (Hamburg): Der "Märtyrertod" als Sühne in der aramäischen Fassung des Asarja-Gebetes Dan 3,38-40 [The "martyr's death" as atonement in the Aramaic version of Azariah's Prayer in Dan 3,38-40].

The second part of the symposium focused on que stions of systematic theology. Professors of systematic and fundamental theology discussed the project of a "doctrine of dramatic redemption" in the context of que stions concerning the history of theology and in the context of systematic problems of contemporary theology. Hansjürgen Verweyen (Freiburg i. Br.): Offene Fragen im Sühnebegriff auf dem Hintergrund der Auseinanderset zung Raymund Schwagers mit Hans Urs von Balthasar [Open questions in the concept of atonement against the background of Raymund Schwager's examination of Hans Urs von Balthasar]; Otto Hermann Pesch (Hamburg) Erlösung durch stellvertretende Sühne - oder Erlösung durch das Wort? [Redemption through substitutionary expiation - or redemption through the word?]; John P. Galvin (Washington D.C./USA): Zur dramatischen Erlö sungslehre Raymund Schwagers: Fragen aus der Sicht Karl Rahners [Raymund Schwager's doctrine of dramatic redemption: Questions from the perspective of Karl Rahner]; Edmund Arens (Frankfurt a. M.): Dramatische Erlösungslehre aus der Perspektive einer theologischen Handlungstheorie [The concept of dramatic redemption from the perspective of a theological theory of action]; Hans-Richard Reuter (Heidelberg): Stellvertretung. Erwägungen zu einer dogmatischen Kategorie im Ge spräch mit René Girard und Raymund Schwager [Sub stitution. Considerations concerning a systematic category in discussion with Raymund Schwager and René Girard]; Peter Knauer SJ (Frankfurt am Main): Rivalität und Nächstenliebe [Rivalry and love of neighbor]; André Lascaris OP (Nijmegen): Die Einmaligkeit Jesu [The uniqueness of Jesus]; Bernd Dieckmann (Marburg): Judas als Doppelgänger Jesu? Elemente und Probleme der Judastradition. [Judas a double of Jesus? Elements and problems in the Judas tradition]; Bernard Sesboüe SJ (Paris): Erzählung von der Erlösung. Vorschläge einer narrativen Soteriologie [Narration of the redemption. Proposals for a narrative soteriology]; Mariano Delgado (Berlin): "Bin ich der Hüter meines Bruder?" -- Erlösung in indianischer Perspektive angesichts des Dramas der Conquista. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Grün dungsmordmythos bei den Ketschua vor und nach der Ankunft des Christentums ["Am I my brother's keeper?" -- Redemption in an Indian perspective in the face of the drama of the Conquista. An Examination of the Ketschua myth of the founding murder before and after the arrival of Christianity].

The third part focused on the problems of Girard's theory. Georg Baudler (Aachen): Christliche Gottes erfahrung und das Sakrale. Der Aufweis positiver Gottes erfahrung in der Religions- und Menschheitsgeschichte als (religionspädagogisch und pastoral) notwendige Ergänzung zu einer Neuinterpretation christlichen Glau bens im Lichte der Theorie Girards [Christian experience of God and the sacred. The proof of positive experience of God in the history of religion and humanity as a necessary supplement (from a pastoral perspective and from the perspective of religious education) to the new interpretation of Christian faith in the light of Girard's theory]; Egon Spiegel (Münster): Gründungsmord oder Wiederherstellungsmord? Sozio-theologische Anmerkungen zum Stellenwert des Opfers bei René Girard [Founding murder or restoration murder? Socio- theological considerations about the status of the sacrifice in Girard's theory]; Erwin Waldschütz (Wien): Kritische Õberlegungen zum Verständnis der Mimesis [Critical reflections concerning the understanding of mimesis]. On one of the evenings Roel Kaptein (La Hengelo/The Netherlands) gave a talk about his practical experiences with Girard's theory in the field of therapy: Krankheit und Heilung. Ursprung, Hintergründe und Vorbereitung eines Projektes im City-Hospital in Belfast [Illness and healing. Beginning, background, and preparation of a project in the City-Hospital in Belfast].

Besides the above, several colleagues from the University Innsbruck, and the following professors and guests participated in the discussion: W. Huber (Heidelberg), H. Jensen, J. Jørgensen (Åarhus/Denmark), G. Larcher (Graz), B. Studer (Rome) and St. Budzik (Tarnów/Poland). Unfortunately B. Janowski/Heidelberg ("Er trat ein für die Vielen." Jes 52,13 - 53,12 und die Dramatik der Stellvertretung" ["He bore the sin of many." Jes 52,13 - 53,12 and the dramatics of substitution]) and G. Fuchs/Wiesbaden (Das Opfer hat das letzte Wort. Zur Reformulierung des Evangeliums vom Gottes Gericht [The victim has the last word. The reformulation of the gospel about God's judgement]) had to cancel their participation.

It is not possible to mention and describe all the papers and the resulting discussions fully. Those who want to know more about this symposium can look forward to the publication of the papers of the conference in May 1992. This book will not only include all the different papers but also a systematic evaluation of the conference by R. Schwager:

Józef Niewiadomski - Wolfgang Palaver (Hg.), Dramatische Erlösungslehre. Ein Symposium (Innsbruck, 25.-28. September 1991). (Innsbrucker theologische Studien 38) Innsbruck: Tyrolia 1992: ISBN 3-7022-1841-6.

Józef Niewiadomski