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Mittwoch, 10.05.2023


Ensouled Identity: From Womb to Grave, a philosophical and theological analysis

16:45 Uhr
Seminarraum VI der Theologischen Fakultät , Karl-Rahner-Platz 3, 1.Stock

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Joshua Farris

Joshua R. Farris is Humboldt Experienced Researcher Fellow at the University of Bochum. Previously, he was the Chester and Margaret Paluch Professor at Mundelein Seminary, University of Saint Mary of the Lake and The Creation Project and Fellow at Heythrop College. He has taught at several universities in philosophy, theology, and Great Books. He has recently completed The Creation of Self (The Creation of Self, https://www. johnhuntpublishing.com/iff-books/our-books/creation-self-case-for-soul)

Weitere Informationen

We are identical to neither our bodies, brains, or memories. In fact, there is something fundamental to our identity that is a kind of irreducible subjectivity, which is best accounted for by what is metaphysically simple (probably a soul). Some call this an objective mode, which is insufficient without a theological analysis. I explore the soul, or person‘s, identity in light of theology engaged with embryology and dementia, which reveals more about us than philosophy (or science) is capable.


Institut für Christliche Philosophie
ICPR - Innsbruck Center for Philosophy of Religion
Doktoratskolleg Religionsphilosophie