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Mittwoch, 04.05.2022

Gastvortrag  ONLINE

Through Thick and Thin: Seamless Metaconceptualism

18:00 Uhr
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Christine Tiefensee

Christine Tiefensee ist Associate Professorin für Philosophie an der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management; Promotion in Cambridge zu Expressivismus und Minimalismus; Forschungsschwerpunkt Metaethik, speziell Verteidigung eines ‚entspannten‘ moralischen Realismus; weitere Interessen in Ethik, Rationalität und politische Philosophie.

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One major insight derived from moral twin earth scenarios is that different terms possess different levels of ‘semantic stability’, in that the meaning of some terms but not that of others remains stable despite significant divergences in application. In this paper, I examine semantic stability against the background of thin and thick moral concepts by pursuing two objectives. The first is to outline a novel account of thick moral concepts which subjects these concepts to the exact same inferentialist analysis as thin moral concepts. According to ‘seamless metaconceptualism’, thick moral concepts do not combine separate evaluative and descriptive components, but are purely evaluative. Nor do thick and thin moral terms belong to different categories of concepts or stand in some relation of explanatory or conceptual priority to one another. Rather, both thin and thick moral concepts are to be understood as metaconceptual devices which do not differ in kind, or degree, but in scope. My second objective will then be to explain why thin and thick moral concepts nevertheless possess different levels of semantic stability despite being given the same inferentialist analysis.


Instiut für Christliche Philosophie
Doktoratskolleg Religionsphilosophie
ICPR - Innsbruck Center for Philosophy of Religion