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Work package no 10: Geographic Information System (GIS)

The registration of data in a Geographic Information System makes possible a functional superimposition of the maps and the other spatially relevant data. The data of all investigation areas will be digitalized with Arc-Info, read in, edited and processed. The data will be visualized, analyzed and organized with the data Publishing-Programme Arc-View. This form of data recording and processing guarantees the possibility of using and transferring the data between the individual partner teams of ECOMONT. The following mapping topics will be recorded in a GIS-compatible way:

Topography of the investigated areas from maps and aerial photographs. The topographic information will serve as an essential basis for modelling (work package no 12).
Large-scale soil and vegetation maps from aerial photographs, remote-sensing and phytosociological investigations (see work packages no 1,
no 11). This combination will allow a calibration and verification of aerial photographs based on the actual field investigations.
Maps of potential risks based on the investigations in work package no 9 and the combination (superimposition) of the information obtained there with informations of vegetation, soil and topographic maps on a landscape ecological level.

