Dr. Laurin Ostermann
Senior Scientist
4S11 ITP
Phone: +43 512 507
Research group: Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
More Information
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Publications 2024
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Ostermann, L.; Gietka, K. (2024): Temperature-enhanced critical quantum metrology.
In: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 109, Nr. L050601. (DOI) (Web link)
Other Publications
Electronic Publication (Preprint)
Bychek, A.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2024): Self-Ordering, Cooling and Lasing in an Ensemble of Clock Atoms. (Web link)
Fasser, M.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.; Hotter, Ch. (2024): Subradiance and Superradiant Long Range Excitation Transport among Quantum Emitter Ensembles in a Waveguide. (Web link)
Lectures 2024
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Polarization control of radiation and energy flow in dipole-coupled nanorings.
Quantum Optics Obergurgl 2024, Obergurgl, 2024-02-29. (Web link)
Publications 2023
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Hotter, Ch.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2023): Cavity sub- and superradiance for transversely driven atomic ensembles.
In: Physical Review Research 5/1, Nr. 013056. (DOI) (Web link)
Other Publications
Electronic Publication (Preprint)
Ostermann, L.; Gietka, K. (2023): Temperature-Enhanced Critical Quantum Metrology. (Web link)
Lectures 2023
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Fasser, M. Co-author(s): Hotter, Ch.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Simulating a superradiant laser based on a thermal atomic beam.
DK ALM Science Day 2023, Venet Gipfelhütte, Zams, 2023-01-16. (Web link)
Guest Lectures
Guest Lecture
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Polarization control of radiation and energy flow in dipole-coupled nanorings.
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, 2023-11-27. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Polarization control of radiation and energy flow in dipole-coupled nanorings.
Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts (MPL) / Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, 2023-08-21.
Individual Lectures (professional development / knowledge transfer)
Lecture (Knowledge Transfer / Further Education)
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Graduate School Mini Course: Julia for Open Quantum Systems.
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-29. (Web link)
Publications 2022
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Aumann, Philipp; Prilmüller, Maximilian; Kappe, Florian; Ostermann, Laurin; Dalacu, Dan; Poole, Philip; Ritsch, Helmut; Lechner, Wolfgang; Weihs, Gregor (2022): Demonstration and modelling of time-bin entangled photons from a quantum dot in a nanowire.
In: AIP Advances 12/5, No. 055115. (DOI) (Web link)
Lectures 2022
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Conference Lecture (Upon Registration)
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: A Nanoscale Coherent Light Source.
International Conference on Quantum Optics, Obergurgl, 2022-02-25. (Web link)
Lecture at Summer-/Winterschool
Lecturer(s): Hotter, Ch. Co-author(s): Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Hands-on with QuantumOptics.jl.
Quantum Computing Hard- and Software Summer School 2022, Lausanne, 2022-06-14. (Web link)
Lecture at Project Meeting / Research Cooperation Meeting
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: An Introduction to QuantumOptics.jl.
MoSaiQC Autumn School 2022, Innsbruck, 2022-10-07. -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Super-and subradiance, Dipoles and Clocks.
CQED-22 Science and Networking Meeting, Seefeld, 2022-04-22. (Web link)
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Fasser, M. Co-author(s): Hotter, Ch.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Simulating a superradiant laser based on a thermal atomic beam 2022.
71st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society ÖPG, Leoben, 2022-09-27. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Fasser, M. Co-author(s): Hotter, Ch.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Simulating a superradiant laser based on a thermal atomic beam.
DK-ALM Summer School 2022, Lech, 2022-09-14. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Hotter, Ch.; Ritsch, H.: Cavity Sub-and Superradiance Enhanced Ramsey Spectroscopy.
EMMI Workshop on Long-Range Ultracold Interactions 2022, Innsbruck, 2022-09-07. (Web link)
Lectures 2021
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Conference Lecture (Invited Lecture)
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: A Nanoscale Coherent Light Source.
Workshop on Collective Scattering of Light (CoScaLi 2021), Porquerolles, 2021-09-15. (Web link)
Conference Lecture (Upon Registration)
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Subradiance via entanglement in atoms with several independent decay channels.
Quantum Optics & Quantum Information Meeting 2021, Ankara (online), 2021-04-23. (Web link)
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: A Nanoscale Coherent Light Source.
52nd Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS52), Zagreb (online), 2021-07-07. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: A Nanoscale Coherent Light Source.
724. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Collective Effects and Non‐Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics, Bonn (Online/Hybrid), 2021-06-28. (Web link)
Publications 2020
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Cremer, J.; Plankensteiner, D.; Moreno-Cardoner, M.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2020): Polarization Control of Radiation and Energy Flow in Dipole-Coupled Nanorings.
In: New Journal of Physics 22, No. 083052. (DOI) (Web link) -
Holzinger, R.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2020): Subradiance in multiply excited states of dipole-coupled V-type atoms.
In: Europhysics Letters (EPL) 128 (2019)/4, No. 44001. (DOI) (Web link) -
Holzinger, R.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2020): Nanoscale Coherent Light Source.
In: Physical Review Letters 124/25, p. 253603. (DOI) (Web link)
Publications 2019
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Hotter, Ch.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2019): Superradiant Cooling, Trapping, and Lasing of Dipole-Interacting Clock Atoms.
In: Optics Express 27/22, pp. 31193 - 31206. (DOI) (Web link) -
Moreno-Cardoner, M.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Chang, D. E.; Ritsch, H. (2019): Subradiance-enhanced excitation transfer between dipole-coupled nanorings of quantum emitters.
In: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 100/2, No. 023806. (DOI) (Web link) -
Ostermann, L.; Meignant, C.; Genes, C.; Ritsch, H. (2019): Super- and subradiance of clock atoms in multimode optical waveguides.
In: New Journal of Physics 21, No. 025004. (DOI) (Web link) -
Ostermann, S.; Lau, H.-W.; Ritsch, H.; Mivehvar, F. (2019): Cavity-induced emergent topological spin textures in a Bose Einstein condensate.
In: New Journal of Physics 21, No. 013029. (DOI) (Web link)
Lectures 2019
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Conference Lecture (Invited Lecture)
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Super- and subradiance of clock atoms in multimode optical waveguides.
Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference 2019, München, 2019-09-05. (Web link)
Lecture at Project Meeting / Research Cooperation Meeting
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Superradiant Laising in Quantum Optics.
Second iqClock Consortium Meeting, Birmingham, 2019-05-02. (Web link)
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Hotter, Ch. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Superradiant cooling, trapping, and lasing of dipole-interacting clock atoms.
Les Houches predoc school on Interaction of light and cold atoms, Les Houche, 2019-10-01. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Hotter, Ch. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Superradiant cooling, trapping, and lasing of dipole-interacting clock atoms.
Autumn School on Clocks, Cavities, and Fundamental Physics, Torun, 2019-09-16. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Meignant, C.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C.: Super- and subradiance of clock atoms in multimode optical waveguides.
SFB-FoQuS International Conference, Innsbruck, 2019-02-06. (Web link)
Publications 2018
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Krämer, S.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2018): QuantumOptics.jl: A Julia framework for simulating open quantum systems.
In: Computer Physics Communications 227, pp. 109 - 116. (DOI) (Web link)
Lectures 2018
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Conference Lecture (Upon Registration)
Lecturer(s): Holzinger, R. Co-author(s): Ostermann, L.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.: Subradiance in V-type Multi Level Systems.
68th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz, 2018-09-13. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Subradiance via entanglement in atoms with several independent decay channels.
Entanglement Days 2018, Budapest, 2018-09-27. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Genes, C.; Ritsch, H.: Super- and subradiance of a 1D chain of clock atoms trapped inside an optical fiber.
68th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz, 2018-09-12. (Web link)
Lecture at Project Meeting / Research Cooperation Meeting
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Super- and subradiance of clock Atoms in multimode optical waveguides.
44th SFB meeting FoQus, Wien, 2018-12-14. (Web link)
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Holzinger, R. Co-author(s): Ostermann, L.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.: Subradiance in multilevel V-type systems.
43. SFB FoQuS Meeting, Innsbruck, 2018-10-18. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Holzinger, R. Co-author(s): Ostermann, L.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.: Subradiance in V-type Multi Level Systems.
68th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz, 2018-09-11. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Hotter, Ch. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: A superradiant clock laser on an optical lattice with moving atoms.
68th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz, 2018-09-11. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Hotter, Ch. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: A Superradiant Laser with Self Trapping Atoms.
676. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Novel optical clocks in atoms and nuclei, Bad Honnef, 2018-07-09. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Genes, C.; Ritsch, H.: Super- and Subradiance in an Optical Fiber.
Joint workshop of IMPRS-QST, CoQuS and Innsbruck Physics Research Center, Garching, 2018-12-03. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Genes, C.; Ritsch, H.: Super- and Subradiance in an Optical Fiber.
676. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Novel optical clocks in atoms and nuclei, Bad Honnef, 2018-07-09. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Krämer, S.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.: Super- and subradiance of a 1D chain of clock atoms trapped inside an optical fiber.
International Conference on Quantum Optics 2018, Obergurgl, 2018-03-01. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Meignant, C.; Genes, C.; Ritsch, H.: Super- and subradiance of a 1D chain of clock atoms trapped inside an optical fiber.
International Conference on Quantum Optics 2018, Obergurgl, 2018-03-02. (Web link)
Publications 2017
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Gasteiger, Markus; Einkemmer, Lukas; Ostermann, Alexander; Tskhakaya, David (2017): Alternating direction implicit type preconditioners for the steady state inhomogeneous Vlasov equation.
In: Journal of Plasma Physics 83/1, No. 705830107. (DOI) (Web link) -
Hebenstreit, M.; Kraus, Barbara; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2017): Subradiance via Entanglement in Atoms with Several Independent Decay Channels.
In: Physical Review Letters 118/14, No. 143602. (DOI) (Web link)
Lectures 2017
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Conference Lecture (Upon Registration)
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Subradiance via entanglement in atoms with several independent decay channels.
Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von SPG und ÖPG 2017 (Swiss and Austrian Physical Societies), Genf, 2017-08-24. (Web link)
Lecture at Project Meeting / Research Cooperation Meeting
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Subradiance via entanglement in atoms with several independent decay channels.
36. SFB FoQuS meeting, Innsbruck, 2017-03-31. (Web link)
Presentations for the general public
Public Lecture
Ostermann, L.: Die Atomuhr: Konzept, Funktion, Anwendungen.
NMS Clemens Holzmeister Landeck, Landeck, 2017-03-22. -
Ostermann, L.: Die Atomuhr: Konzept, Funktion, Anwendungen.
BG/BRG Reutte, Reutte, 2017-02-20.
Publications 2016
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Gruber, Leonhard; Loizides, Alexander; Ostermann, Laurin; Glodny, Bernhard; Plaikner, Michaela; Gruber, Hannes (2016): Does size reliably predict malignancy in soft tissue tumours?
In: Europan Radiology 26, pp. 4640 - 4648. (DOI) (Web link) -
Huber, T.; Ostermann, L.; Prilmüller, M.; Solomon, G.S.; Ritsch, H.; Weihs, G.; Predojevic, A. (2016): Coherence and degree of time-bin entanglement from quantum dots.
In: Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 93, No. 201301. (DOI) (Web link) -
Krämer, S.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2016): Optimized geometries for future generation optical lattice clocks.
In: Europhysics Letters (EPL) 114, Nr. 14003. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
Ostermann, Laurin; Huber, Tobias; Prilmüller, Maximilian; Solomon, Glenn; Ritsch, Helmut; Weihs, Gregor; Predojevic, Ana (2016): Coherent two-photon excitation of quantum dots.
In: Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) 9900, Nr. 99000T. (DOI) (Web link)
Lectures 2016
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Huber, Tobias Co-author(s): Ostermann, Laurin; Prilmüller, Maximilian; Solomon, Glenn; Ritsch, Helmut; Weihs, Gregor; Predojevic, Ana: Coherence and degree of time-bin entanglement from quantum dots.
9th International Conference on Quantum Dots (QD2016), Jeju, 2016-05-23. (Web link)
Publications 2015
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C. (2015): Selective protected state preparation of coupled dissipative quantum emitters.
In: Scientific Reports 5, No. 16231. (DOI) (Web link)
Lectures 2015
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Krämer, S Co-author(s): Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Optimized geometries for future generation optical lattice clocks.
31. SFB FOQUS Meeting, Wien, 2015-12-17. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C.: Protected state Ramsey spectroscopy.
Joint 2015 Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, ÖPG) and the Swiss Physical Society, Wien, 2015-09-01. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C.: Protected Subspace Ramsey Spectroscopy.
29. SFB Foqus Meeting, Innsbruck, 2015-03-12. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Prilmüller, Maximilian Co-author(s): Huber, Tobias; Ostermann, Laurin; Solomon, Glen; Ritsch, Helmut; Weihs, Gregor; Predojevic, Ana: Proceedings on time bin entangled photons from a semiconductor quantum dot.
European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe / EQEC 2015), München, 2015-06-25. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Prilmüller, Maximilian Co-author(s): Huber, Tobias; Ostermann, Laurin; Solomon, Glenn; Ritsch, Helmut; Weihs, Gregor; Predojevic Ana: Proceedings on time bin entangled photons from a semiconductor quantum dot.
Joint 2015 Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, ÖPG) and the Swiss Physical Society, Wien, 2015-09-01. (Web link)
Publications 2014
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Maier, T.; Krämer, S.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2014): A superradiant clock laser on a magic wavelength optical lattice.
In: Optics Express 22/11, pp. 13269 - 13279. (DOI) (Web link) -
Ostermann, L.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C. (2014): Protected subspace Ramsey spectroscopy.
In: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 90, No. 053823. (DOI)
Proceedings Article (Full Paper)
Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C. (2014): Protected State Enhanced Quantum Metrology in Dense Ensembles of Two-Level Systems.
In: Quantum Information and Measurement - Quantum Simulation & Quantum Metrology (2014). Washington, DC: The Optical Society (OSA) (= Research in Optical Sciences)., ISBN 978-1-55752-995-4, Paper QTh3A.5. (DOI)
Lectures 2014
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C.: Protected Subspace Ramsey Spectroscopy.
27th SFB Foqus Meeting, Innsbruck, 2014-10-09. (Web link)
Publications 2013
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C. (2013): Protected State Enhanced Quantum Metrology with Interacting Two-Level Ensembles.
In: Physical Review Letters 111/12, p. 123601. (DOI) (Web link)
Lectures 2013
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Conference Lecture (Invited Lecture)
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Dipole-dipole influenced Ramsey interferometry.
Quantum Technologies Conference IV, Warschau, 2013-09-16. (Web link)
Conference Lecture (Upon Registration)
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Cascaded decay and superradiance in finite regular arrays of cold trapped atoms.
Young Atom Opticians Conference (YAO 2013), Birmingham, 2013-04-10. (Web link)
Lecture at Project Meeting / Research Cooperation Meeting
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Ritsch, H.; Genes, C.: Protected state enhanced quantum metrology.
DARPA, Quantum Assisted Sensing And Readout (QuASAR) review meeting, Boulder, 2013-03-05. (Web link)
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Genes, C. Co-author(s): Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Protected-state enhanced quantum metrology with dense two-level systems Ensembles.
21st SFB-FoQuS Meeting, Innsbruck, 2013-07-11. -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Ritsch, H.; Genes, C.: Protected state enhanced quantum metrology.
Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von ÖPG, SPG, ÖGAA und SGAA / Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society and Swiss Physical Society, Linz, 2013-09-04. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Zoubi, H.; Ritsch, H.: Superradiance and Cascaded Decay.
Young Atom Opticians Conference (YAO 2013), Birmingham, 2013-04-10. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Zoubi, H.; Ritsch, H.: Superradiance and Cascaded Decay.
19th SFB-FoQuS Meeting, Innsbruck, 2013-02-28.
Guest Lectures
Guest Lecture
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Cascaded decay, superradiance and protected state enhanced quantum metrology.
University of Colorado - Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA), Boulder, 2013-08-21. (Web link)
Lectures 2012
Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Conference Lecture (Upon Registration)
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L.: Superradiance and Cascaded Decay in regular arrays of trapped atoms.
62. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz, 2012-09-20. (Web link)
Poster Presentation
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Zoubi, H.; Ritsch, H.: Superradiance and Cascaded Decay.
Quantum Assisted Sensing And Readout (QuASAR)/Optical Radiation Cooling and Heating in Integrated Devices (ORCHID) Program Review, Santa Barbara, 2012-08-29. (Web link) -
Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Zoubi, H.; Ritsch, H.: Superradiance and Cascaded Decay.
Summer School within the framework of ICAP 2012, Paris, 2012-07-16. (Web link)