Defensio Carlo

Defensio (Dissertation) of Carlo Krimphoff

Carlo Krimphoff started as a PhD-student in the research group of Andreas Läuchli in December 2012 and was the second team member within our group. By the end of July 2017 he finished his thesis and his employment at the University of Innsbruck.

On the 31st of October 2017 he held a very good defensio of his thesis with the title:

"Quench Dynamics of closed Quantum Many-Body Systems"

Content: The out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems is one of the most fascinating directions currently explored at the interface of statistical physics and quantum mechanics. Using exact diagonalization (ED), we numerically study quenches of closed and translationally invariant spin systems. Our goal is to connect dynamics, as characterized by local real-time observables on short to intermediate time scales, to statistical properties such as equilibration, especially with respect to quantum integrability. Since ED allows for the exact computation of energy spectra, we are able to explore the relation between time evolution and spectral properties of a quench. By combining both approaches with results from analytical techniques, we achieve a broad description of various dynamical phenomena.

Congratulations to Carlo for his graduation. We wish him all the best for his new job and future! 

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