Interview with a graduate - Geography
Dominik Sennes

Completed program of study at the University of Innsbruck/year of graduation:

What is your current profession? In brief, what are your responsibilities?
Organizational consulting/coaching: I support companies and individuals in their fields and try to identify the next steps in their personal or organizational development.

To what extent does your current profession relate to your degree program?
To a large extent, my work involves aspects of systems and how to introduce them to individuals or businesses. Geography is an interdisciplinary subject per se. In this sense, studying geography is the best way to learn 'cross-functional thinking' and how to view processes of all kinds from an integrated perspective.

How did your working life get started after you finished your degree?
While I was at university, I started my self-employed work as a coach. Afterwards, I worked for a business consultancy for almost a year, where I focused on organizational development and personality development training. For about a year now, I've been working as a self-employed business consultant.

What advice would you give students, especially those at the beginning of their degree programs?
I chose to study geography because I was interested in it. Ever since I can remember, I've found looking at the big picture of the earth fascinating. My motto is that wherever I can live my passion, I'll be good. Good for me and good for the world.

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