Help : Operators

Operator    Funktion
AND Term A and term B in the same field (<ecumenism AND canon law>)
OR Term A or term B in the same field (<parish OR community>)
NOT Term A, but not term B in the same field (<parish NOT community>)
ADJ Term A directly before term B in the same field (<local ADJ church>)
NEAR Term A among 5 words next to term B in the same field (<constitution NEAR church>)
W// Term A directly next to term B in the same field in any order (<remarried W// divorced>)
W//n Term A n-words bevor or after term B in the same field (<constitution W//3 church>)

In cases that operators are used in search, parantheses have probably to be set.

Example: <(theology of canon law AND Corecco) AND PJ1=1985:2002>
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