Help : Special Characters

Special characters in the ASCII-Code

Wherever the special characters of the ASCII-Code are missing at the keyboard they can be written by pressing ALT and entering the following numerical values:

HINT: Activate the <NUM> - key!

ASCII:   Shortcut:
Æ <ALT>146
æ <ALT>145
Å <ALT>143
å <ALT>134
Ä <ALT>142
ä <ALT>132
á <ALT>160
à <ALT>133
â <ALT>131
Ç <ALT>128
ç <ALT>135
ë <ALT>137
É <ALT>144
é <ALT>130
è <ALT>138
ê <ALT>136
ASCII:   Shortcut:
ï <ALT>139
í <ALT>161
ì <ALT>141
î <ALT>140
Ñ <ALT>165
ñ <ALT>164
Ö <ALT>153
ö <ALT>148
ó <ALT>162
ø <ALT>155
Ü <ALT>154
ü <ALT>129
ú <ALT>163
ù <ALT>151
û <ALT>150
ß <ALT>225

Instead of these special characters the fill-in "?" can be used in the search which can however, raise the number of records matched.

Example: If you search <AU=MÜLLER> instead of <AU=M?LLER> the results will contain all "Muller" und "Müller" as well as all "Miller" and "Möller".
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