    Project Publications
    Further Activities
  Final Report


The project led to an intense collaboration with co-applicant Prof. Martin K. Beyer (the last common publication before the project started was published in 2009) within various fields of chemistry with the main focus on photochemistry, spectroscopy and mechanochemistry. Since the project started, 11 common publications were published and three submitted for publication.

Cooperation with Dr. Michal Fárník was renewed within the project (last common publication in 2011), focusing on mass spectrometry and spectroscopy. Two common articles were published within the project (Refs. 2, 12).

Cooperation with Prof. Paul Scheier was initiated within the project of photochemistry of C60+ (Ref. 8) and continues with investigation of Cs2+Hen photochemistry.

The project leader met Prof. Roberto Marquardt at the XXIst Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2018 conference and plans future cooperation with him – Prof. Marquardt is co-applier of both START and ERC Starting Grant the PL submitted in 2018.